Get Help With Burial Expenses Using These Resources

a coffin with beautiful white funeral flowers to honor a loved one who has passed
| 3 min read Financial Assistance

After a loved one passes away, we’re confronted with the costs of funerals and memorials, as well as cremations or burials. In a state of grief, it can be hard to face these challenges alone. And added to the high cost of burial is the awkwardness of asking friends and family to help with funeral expenses.

People who use GoFundMe for funeral expenses often discover that our donor-powered crowdfunding platform not only makes the process easier, it also gives grieving friends and family a safe place to post words of love and condolences.

Below are a few resources for you to consider when you’re looking for help with burial expenses, including crowdfunding—which can supplement any benefits you may receive. We hope this helps.

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Resources for burial expense help

Life Insurance policies

If your loved one had a life insurance policy, it may very well include a death benefit for burial expenses. Check with the life insurance company.

States and counties

States and counties sometimes assist citizens with burial expenses. In the US, these benefits can vary greatly from one state to the next; in many cases, assistance is offered to those with very low incomes. Make sure to check what funeral financial assistance support your state may be able to help pay for.

Specific government assistance programs

People already receiving certain forms of government assistance—including Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF), General Assistance (GA), State Blind Pension (SBP), Supplemental Security Income (SSI), and State Supplementary Payment (SSP)—at the time of their death may receive financial assistance for burial on behalf of the state. If your loved one received aid from one of these assistance programs, check with the administrators to see what the benefits are.

Similarly, if your loved one was receiving social security retirement benefits, Medicare, or Medicaid support, contact administrators about benefit payments and survivor benefits.

Death benefits are also available for veterans through the Veterans Administration.

Crowdfunding to help with funeral costs

Even if you receive benefits or assistance from one of the resources or an assistance program listed above, you may find that the support doesn’t fully cover the costs. Crowdfunding can help bridge the gap.

Another benefit of crowdfunding is that, instead of asking each friend or family member for help individually, you can simply send the link to your GoFundMe via email or Facebook. Your GoFundMe can also become a place for friends and loved ones to share memories and support each other through this time.

Burial cost or cremation expenses are likely just one of the costs you’re facing, along with funeral or memorial services, costs related to settling the estate, and more. On your GoFundMe, make the full scope of funeral expenses clear. Crowdfunding can help cover a memorial service cost, cemetery costs, funeral home costs, funeral services, burial assistance, funeral assistance, and more.

How GoFundMe can help with funeral expenses

GoFundMe has many resources available to help you as you deal with the death of a loved one. Here are a few:

In the US, there’s no fee to start or manage your fundraiser on GoFundMe. However, there is one small transaction fee per donation that covers all your fundraising needs. Everything else goes directly to your cause, because that’s what matters most. Get started and launch a fundraiser today.

Start a funeral fundraiser

Written by GoFundMe