Everything You Can Do to Support the Fight for Equality

| 7 min read Crowdfunding

Now more than ever, it’s important we take a stand and work towards greater equality for people of all backgrounds. Racial equality, gender discrimination, LGBTQ rights are just a few examples of the issues we still need to address today. While we’ve made big strides in the last few decades, there’s still so much more we can all do in the fight for equality. Although all of these issues are different and affect different people, the road to equal rights for all marginalized groups can only be won with a coordinated and thoughtful effort by everyone in a society. Take a stand today and use these ideas to promote true justice and equality for all.

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Eight simple ways you can promote equality

If you want to get involved in the fight for equality, there are a few simple ways to get started. From organizing with others through a petition or simply supporting the right organizations, you can make a difference in this movement. Here are the top ways you can support equality and fairness for all:

1. Start a petition

One great way to get started is by creating a petition for a cause near and dear to your heart. Through organizations like Change.org and Moveon.org, the process is easy and within minutes you can start sharing your petition.

Petitions can be for any cause—whether it’s on a local or national level.. If you’re passionate about achieving equality in your local community, a petition is a great way to initiate change. If you’re not sure how to get started, look online for petition strategies to guide you through your new petition. 

If you’re not ready to start your own petition, consider signing one instead. Through the above organizations, you can find petitions that are started by others and need your help. 

2. Reach out to your elected representatives

As a member of the community, you should feel empowered to reach out to elected officials and ask them to back and enact legislation that furthers equality for all. Through petitions, phone calls, and letters to your state and local representatives, you can put more pressure on these individuals to support bills and other legislation that help reduce injustice. 

To find your representatives, use resources like House.gov and track down a physical address or phone number for Members of Congress. Once you have that information, contacting them more than once is the key to making your voice heard. You can also encourage your circle of family and friends to do the same. By putting pressure on elected officials, we can do our part to get politicians to make changes and keep promises they made during election season.

3. Organize a peaceful protest

Among the many rights granted to us by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, the right to peaceably assemble is one we must use to achieve equal rights for everyone. Thanks to thousands of online resources, organizing a protest, sit in, or walk out doesn’t have to be overwhelming. Organizations like the National Youth Rights Association (NYRA) offer guidance and information on how to organize a protest and what steps you must take in order to ensure your message is heard.

4. Fundraise for equality for all

If you want to play a more active role in supporting equal rights, fundraising is a great way to do so. By creating a fundraiser, you can collect funds to assist varying aspects of the fight against inequality. Use the money you raise to assist an equal rights organization, local advocates, protests, and other initiatives for equality. 

When using crowdfunding sites like GoFundMe, creating a fundraiser is easy and you can start sharing your fundraiser on social media as soon as it’s created. With GoFundMe, you also have the added advantage of having a fundraising platform with a built-in community of donors and other organizers. Here are just a few inspiring examples of people fundraising for equality:


Based out of Vancouver, this group of organizers decided to take action and bring needed attention to marginalized communities in their area. With the help of donors, they were able to raise over $300,000 to aid their cause. 


As an often overlooked community, Black trans women face many challenges, including homelessness. Through the creation of this fund, Jesse, the organizer of this initiative has been able to provide housing and other much-needed services to Black trans women. Black trans women fight for equal rights every day, and funding women’s fight for equal rights is a great way to fight for equality.


Injustice has had many consequences, including inadequate education funding for marginalized and low-income communities. By fundraising for the National Black Child Development institute, organizers from The Ravens Claw Society have provided funding for this organization dedicated to ensuring Black children receive the education they deserve. 

5. Donate to fundraisers

Making a donation to organizations and funds dedicated to justice and equality is another great way to make a difference. By supporting civil rights nonprofit organizations, every donation you make gets into the hands of organizations that aid causes such as LGBTQ rights, gender equality movements, and the fight against racial injustice. These organizations and movements need your help in order to continue to uphold and expand basic human rights to all people. 

Want to make an impact this very minute? Find and donate to Black-owned businesses in your community using our search tool.

6. Volunteer with local or national organizations

In the battle for equality, the need for help and resources is never-ending. Offer your help through volunteer work with human and civil rights organizations. Some of these organizations run on very limited resources but are tasked with doing some of the most important work to protect our civil rights and offer assistance to marginalized communities. By volunteering, you can bolster the work they do and know that your contributions will ultimately benefit everyone in our society.

7. Support local businesses

An often overlooked way of promoting equality is by supporting businesses owned by people in marginalized communities. Small businesses all over the country have a difficult time succeeding, but this is especially true for businesses owned by minorities. Historically, minorities have struggled to get access to small business loans, making an already difficult job almost impossible. By shopping and supporting local minority-owned businesses, you can ensure these businesses survive and ultimately succeed. All you have to do is a simple Google or LinkedIn search for minority-owned businesses. You can also search for small businesses owned by marginalized community members that are seeking relief due to COVID-19 and you’ll see many results for businesses in need. 

8. Continue to educate yourself

Continue to learn more about civil and human rights. Because we all come from different backgrounds, we tend to view things from a perspective we’re most familiar with, which isn’t always beneficial to all people in our community. By learning more about other communities and their struggles, we can make our country a more empathetic and equitable society. As with many things, a simple search on Google can lead you to a stream of information about injustices faced by minority communities and even more helpful resources for equality

Fight for equality for everyone today

Marginalized communities in our country and abroad are fighting for equality and fairness every day and they can’t do it alone. We can all do our part to guarantee equal rights for everyone, regardless of their gender, race, or creed. At GoFundMe, we see thousands of people sign up and fundraise to support equal rights for everyone. Join them today and start your own fundraiser.

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Written by GoFundMe