5 Healing Affirmations to Provide Support During Illness

Getting diagnosed with a life-changing disease or illness is devastating—both for the diagnosed and their loved ones. After taking in the news that someone you care about has been diagnosed with a serious illness, you might be left wondering about what you can do to help.
While it’s difficult to fix or change a difficult medical diagnosis, sharing positive healing affirmations with loved ones can be a powerful source of hope and encouragement. In this article, we’ll explore five positive affirmations for health that you can use to support someone struggling with a diagnosis—so that you’re ready to be there when your loved ones need you most.
Different types of positive affirmations for health
Healing affirmations are positive statements that you repeat to yourself in order to alleviate suffering and promote a holistic foundation of good health. While they do not have the ability to heal wounds or cure chronic illness, positive affirmations have been proven to create physical changes in brain regions associated with self-processing and self-esteem when practiced regularly.
There are various different categories of healing affirmation, each with its own role and unique ability to create positive changes in those suffering from illness. Whether you are religious, spiritual or completely atheistic—there are healing affirmations that you can use to support your loved one in their time of need.
Spiritual affirmations
Spiritual affirmations are positive statements that can help to improve the spiritual well-being of the person using them. They are intended to promote greater connection with the inner self, strengthen spiritual belief systems and nurture a sense of peace and purpose. They are generally used by people who do not subscribe to a specific religion, but practice an alternative belief system or maintain a general sense of spirituality.
In practical terms, using a spiritual healing affirmation could be as simple as repeating the words “I am connected to a higher power” throughout the day or at a specific time. This spiritual affirmation is intended to promote a sense of divine purpose and connection in the person using it, ultimately leading to more positive thinking around their healing process.
Scientific affirmations
For those with a secular belief system, scientific affirmations can represent useful and meaningful alternatives to more spiritual mantras. They draw on scientific principles and fundamental truths from the physical world to encourage healing and health in the user.
The words “my body is healing itself quickly and completely” could be used as a scientific affirmation to promote physical recovery in the body of the person repeating it. As a result, the user of the affirmation could feel a heightened sense of confidence and belief in their body’s healing process.
Religious affirmations
Arguably the oldest variation, religious healing affirmations draw on creeds and doctrines from established systems of faith to promote health and spiritual growth. They are typically used to encourage healing through connection with a higher power and the strengthening of existing belief systems.
The repetition of the words “I am loved unconditionally by God” or “I am blessed with the gift of life” would be classed as religious healing affirmations, as they are inspired by traditional religious convictions and display a specific focus on personal well-being.
5 healing affirmations that make a difference during illness
When someone is diagnosed with a serious illness, it’s common and completely natural for them to grapple with feelings of hopelessness. Positive healing affirmations can be valuable tools to employ in situations like this, offering simple yet powerful slogans of hope that are proven to have tangible impacts on the brain. One study on the psychology of self-defense suggests that self-affirmations remind people of the important aspects of themselves and of life, and can help to change their perspective or view their circumstances as more reasonable or rational.
Claude Steele’s psychological research on self-affirmation theory has also demonstrated the transformative power of words, showing how positive affirmations can significantly impact our sense of self-esteem and wellbeing. By sharing healing affirmations with someone struggling with illness, you can provide meaningful support for their situation.
Let’s take a look at five positive affirmations that you can share with a family member, friend or anyone significant in your life who is struggling with a tough medical diagnosis.
1. “I’m here for you always.”
Sometimes, the people who are closest to you just need to know that you’re there for them, especially during difficult times. Nothing you or anyone says will provide a cure, but it’s important to do everything in your power to ease their struggle and pain. Saying something like, “Nothing I say will make this better, but I’m here for you always,” can be extremely reassuring for your loved one to hear.
These words can comfort anyone who feels alone, scared, or unsure of what’s coming next. Let your loved one know that no matter what happens, you’ll be right by their side through the good times and bad. You’re on this journey together, and they shouldn’t feel embarrassed or ashamed to ask you for help.
2. “You are stronger and braver than you know.”
In the midst of a diagnosis, it’s easy for the mind to spiral into patterns of negative thinking. Questions might arise, such as “How will I get through this?” or “What if I’m not strong enough?”. It can be easy for someone diagnosed with a serious illness to question what’s next, or to start obsessing over the worst possible outcomes.
As a friend, your job is to provide them with the love and support they need, some of which can be derived from positive healing affirmations. When you repeat these affirmations to your loved one, an incredible transformation will start to take place and your words will eventually sink in. By telling them that they are stronger and braver than they realize, your friend will receive external validation and support to draw on their inner resolve.
3. “What’s on your mind? I’m here to listen.”
Positivity gets many people very far in life, and serves as an important tool in the battle against life’s hardships. Yet sometimes, a person who is struggling may just need someone to listen to whatever they are going through. The best thing you can do in this situation is sit, remain fully present and actively listen to what your loved one has to say.
Since some people may be afraid of burdening you with their own struggles, it’s important for you to start the conversation by offering them a sympathetic ear. You could say something like, “How are you doing today? I want to know how you’re really feeling.” Emphasizing the fact that you are ready to listen will make it easier for your loved one to come to you when they feel ready to talk. Assure them that you’re there to listen at any time, with an open heart and an open mind.
4. “How can I best support you?”
Providing support to someone who is struggling with illness can come in many forms. It might be gift-giving, helping with daily errands, or simply showing up and listening. As a friend, you are embarking on this journey of healing alongside your loved one, which involves listening to their struggles and providing the specific support that they need.
It’s not always easy to ask for help, and certain personality traits can make people far less inclined to reach out and make their desires known. This is why it’s always important to ask your loved one how you can best support them during times of illness. You may be surprised by their answer, but you’ll know exactly what’s needed in order to ease their pain.
5. “I am so grateful for you”
One of the most powerful healing affirmations that someone with an illness can receive is a reminder that they matter, and are loved and valued by the people around them. It’s important to express how grateful you are to have this person in your life and regularly remind them of how much they mean to you. Additionally, you can encourage your loved one to practice similar affirmations of gratitude that can be applied in their own life.
It’s no secret that a strong sense of gratitude is essential to the maintenance of a happy life, and leading psychological researchers are firmly in agreement. One study from Harvard Medical School found that giving thanks can even make you happier, improving overall health while promoting the presence of positive emotions and feelings of appreciation. Comforting, positive and healing affirmations represent just one of the many ways in which you can help a loved one who is suffering from illness.
When should you offer positive affirmations for healing and health?
While words of affirmation can have significant positive effects and generally come from a place of good will, it’s important to use them in a way that’s respectful and understanding of your loved one’s struggle. Navigating periods of ill health can be extremely difficult at the best of times, so your friend’s happiness and level of comfort should always be prioritized. Try to remain mindful of their mood, and don’t take it personally if they seem withdrawn or unreceptive. Timing is key when it comes to sharing healing affirmations, and choosing your moments carefully will make all the difference.
It also takes time to fully process and come to terms with a serious medical diagnosis, so keep in mind that your loved one may feel overwhelmed in the early stages. Continue showing up and lending a listening ear, and try to gauge when the most appropriate time to share your words of affirmation might be. If they don’t feel comfortable or ready, it’s extremely important to respect their wishes and wait for a more suitable time. When the right moment comes, ensure that your healing affirmations are personal, specific and offered on a consistent basis.
3 ways to help someone with an illness
Beyond words, there are plenty of other tools that you can use to help someone struggling with a diagnosis. Here are three actions that you can take today to alleviate your loved one’s suffering and let them know how much you care.
Plan a fun activity
The process of facing an illness can be filled with fear, anxiety, and a swathe of overwhelming emotions. Creating positive distractions is a great way to take your friend or loved one’s mind off their current situation, even if it’s only for a short period of time. If they’re well enough and feeling up to it, try planning a fun weekend getaway or even a short staycation. You could even invite other friends and family members to make sure they are surrounded by those who love and care for them most.
For a simpler approach, try finding one day of the week where everyone can come together, and use it to organize a dinner party, movie night, or other fun activity that can be scheduled regularly. Barbeques and picnics also work great for getting your loved one outdoors and enjoying the benefits of fresh air.
Offer to help with daily tasks
When helping a sick friend, one simple way of showing your support is by offering to help with as many day-to-day tasks as you can. Doing so will give your loved one the extra time they need for important events like doctor’s appointments, while freeing up time for them to relax or work on their personal healing. Offer to run some daily errands like grocery shopping, cleaning, walking their pets or taking their kids to school.
Start an online fundraiser
Unfortunately, the costs that come along with a serious medical diagnosis can be overwhelming for many. The out of pocket medical expenses can quickly become too difficult to manage, only adding to the stress that your loved one is already feeling. You can help to ease this burden and give them one less thing to worry about by starting an online fundraiser. Share your fundraising page with your mutual friends, family and members of your local community to attract the highest amount of donations as possible.
On top of assisting with the financial costs that come with a diagnosis, crowdfunding on GoFundMe creates a space for your community to leave uplifting and inspirational messages. It also provides a platform to share your friend’s story and put creative fundraising ideas into action, providing a valuable sense of community at a time when your loved one needs it most.
Show support to your loved one with positive healing affirmations
Healing affirmations, assistance with daily tasks, and starting a fundraiser to help cover medical expenses are all ways you can take action and help your loved one during a difficult time. If you’re not sure where to start, our helpful guide to how GoFundMe works contains all the information you’ll need, while answering all the most popular fundraising questions.
Once you’ve created your fundraising page, share your loved one’s story with friends, family and across social media to encourage as much financial support as possible. Above all, don’t forget to provide your loved one with emotional support and positive affirmations throughout their illness—doing so is guaranteed to make a difference in both their life and your own.