Summer Camp Fundraising Ideas That Drive Support

Summer camp is an eye-opening experience for individuals to learn about themselves and to make meaningful and lasting relationships. Most importantly, summer camp is a whole lot of fun. Whether that is a surf camp, a science camp, an outdoor adventure or a cultural enrichment camp, there are many great options. If you need financial help sending your child to summer camp, you’re not alone. Many parents have used fundraising as a way of helping cover rising costs of summer camp enrollment—here are fundraising ideas on how to raise money for your child’s summer camp.

Start a summer camp fundraiser


Crowdfunding for summer camp

Crowdfunding is an ideal platform for drumming up support from friends, family, social network, and beyond. Create your fundraiser with a compelling fundraiser story about what you hope to gain from summer camp, along with plenty of good photos and a video to further illustrate your ambition and the enriching experiences you hope to gain. Then make sure to share it via social media and email and encourage your connections to do the same.

Note: If you’re between 13 and 17 years old, make sure to get your parent or guardian’s permission to start a GoFundMe; if you’re 12 or younger, ask your parent or guardian to start the fundraiser for you.

Six summer camp fundraising ideas

1. Letter Campaign

Help your child, or if they are old enough, ask them to write a letter that explains why they are looking forward to attending summer camp. Ensure the child also thanks people in advance for helping them get to camp. Scan or take a photo of the letter and add it to your GoFundMe fundraiser for mass reach.

2. Social media nostalgia  

One great way to motivate people to donate to your fundraiser is to remind them of the amazing time they had when they went to a camp growing up. Post on Facebook, Instagram, or X and ask people to share a favorite memory or photo of their summer camp experience. Include the link to your fundraiser and ask if they would consider making a donation of even $10 to help send your child to camp. 

3. Community cleanup

A great fundraising event would be to volunteer to clean up a local park, beach, river, or other natural area. You can reach out to people in your community to sponsor you in the form of a donation to your fundraiser. Ask donors to give an allotted amount for each pound of trash you clean up. This will not only help you with fundraising but also help to maintain the natural beauty of your neighborhood. People will likely jump at the opportunity to both help you and their community.

4. Reach out to the camp

Send your fundraiser link to the camp via email and ask if they have any camp alumni or supporters that they can pass the link to the fundraiser on your behalf. 

5. Get crafty

A great way to raise funding is to create something that embodies your dream to go to summer camp, such as a friendship bracelet. Rally some of your friends together and ask them to help you make friendship bracelets to give to people who donate to your fundraiser . You can also set up a craft booth to sell bracelets you make in your neighborhood. People can either make a donation to your fundraiser, or they can simply make a cash donation to help your cause at your booth.

6. Parents night out

Offer to help parents in your community get the date night they deserve. Whether they need babysitting or pet sitting, you can offer your services on Friday and Saturday nights so that they get some necessary time off to have some fun. 

1. Mariah’s gymnastics summer camp

Part of a proud Air Force family, Vanessa is the mother of four children. Her daughter Mariah’s passion is gymnastics, and she’s been surpassing her coach’s expectations with her drive and dedication. Vanessa wanted to fulfill her daughter’s dream of going to gymnastics camp, but money is tight with a single military income. That’s when she turned to GoFundMe, sharing her daughter’s story. She posted great photos of Mariah on the balance beam and performing her floor routine, which helped demonstrate her enthusiasm for her sport. Once her friends and family helped her reach her goal, Vanessa was able to share the good news with her daughter: She was going to gymnastics camp that summer.

2. Addison’s summer camp experience

Addison is a happy, funny kid who loves performing with his school chorus and enjoying family dinners. His mother Kelli was thrilled to find a summer camp near their home that is fully accessible for kids like Addison who have disabilities. The only obstacle was the cost. Kelli started a GoFundMe, explaining how much a camp with swimming, canoeing, crafts, and campfire songs would mean to Addison. Friends and family pitched in, and Kelli was able to reach her goal of $650. In her last update, Kelli shared how Addison was “beyond happy” for his upcoming summer camp experience.

Get set for camp

Get started by creating your own summer camp fundraiser. GoFundMe makes the setup process simple so you can have your fundraiser up and running within minutes. With no platform fee, more money goes toward making your summer camp dreams a reality. Start your summer camp fundraiser.

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