Safe Schools for Alex

| 1 min read | 37 min listen max

February 14th, 2019, marked exactly one year since the horrific shooting took place at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, which killed 17 students and staff members, and injured 17 others. It remains the deadliest high school shooting in United States history. So many loved ones were lost that day, and so many families were left torn apart and heartbroken. There was anger, and so many questions left unanswered. Why did this happen? How could this have happened? Can we prevent something this terrible from ever happening again? But, out of those questions and that anger grew a nationwide movement. The host of GoFundMe’s podcast had the honor of sitting down to talk with Max Schachter, a father who tragically lost his beautiful son, Alex, on that awful day in 2018. He has spent the past year fighting tirelessly to make schools safer.

Listen to the incredibly moving interview on the True Stories of Good People podcast, a GoFundMe Heroes production.

Featured image credit: Mike Stocker