“I’ve seen people who are feeling really down on themselves. But when we hand them a lunch, their faces just light up.”
So when summer vacation rolled around, Scott wanted to make sure that Liam was doing something productive and positive.
That’s when they found an online game for kids called Brain Chase. The game’s winners would be flown across the world to dig up buried treasure.
With the help of his dad, Liam picked three subjects to focus on for the game that would help him earn points: Typing, Math, and Service.
Every week, he received three new challenges to complete. And his first week in, the Service challenge was to help people experiencing homelessness.
Scott joked that they could rent a food truck and pass out food. But Liam quickly pointed out, “There are people right outside of our building. Why don’t we just make them lunch?”
And that day, Liam’s Lunches of Love was born.
And Scott is a very proud father: “The best part of this has been seeing Liam realize the effect that one person doing something can have.
“He sees that being positive and helping others can inspire others to do good, too.”
With more donations, Liam hopes to continue his mission and expand his reach this summer so that he can better serve his community and inspire even more people to do good in the world.