GoFundMe.org releases its Fiscal Year 2024 Annual Report

by August 28, 2024

GoFundMe.org launched in 2017 as a vehicle to transform charitable donations in a crisis into fast relief for people who have lost everything. Since then it has become a trusted place to donate money in the wake of a major disaster, and a critical partner to a wide range of organizations and causes.

Today, GoFundMe.org-hosted funds are lifelines for individuals and communities facing unprecedented challenges. Through initiatives like the Hurricane and Wildfire Relief funds, and partner campaigns such as Help Maui Rise and Stand with Ukraine, GoFundMe.org mobilizes grassroots efforts to deliver crucial aid swiftly and securely.

In Fiscal Year 2024, GoFundMe.org supported over 30 funds that raised a collective $11,850,000, and delivered more than 8,000 grants to nonprofits and individuals in need.

We’re proud to partner with GoFundMe.org, facilitating tax-deductible contributions that extend the reach and impact of our generous global community of more than 150 million, while helping drive critical social change.

Learn more about GoFundMe.org’s funds, partnerships and impact in their Fiscal Year 2024 annual report