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Waldorf School of Pittsburgh logo

Waldorf School of Pittsburgh

Our mission is to provide high quality education to students using the Waldorf curriculum and pedagogy through which we acknowledg...Learn more

Waldorf School of Pittsburgh logo

About Waldorf School of Pittsburgh

Our mission is to provide high quality education to students using the Waldorf curriculum and pedagogy through which we acknowledge and honor the balance of the artistic, academic, emotional, and spiritual needs of children. Parents, faculty and others interested in social renewal through education strive to be involved in mutual learning opportunities in order to create a community based on the ideals of holistic engagement of head, heart, and hands and social transformation. Our mission supports a culturally rich, age appropriate education experience that recognizes learning as a life-long unfolding of faculties and capacities. Waldorf teachers focus both on what knowledge must be acquired by students to enter society and on awakening in children the capacities of awe, devotion, gratitude, compassion and trust. Graduates of the Waldorf School of Pittsburgh take with them a highly developed capacity for purposeful work and academic achievement, a vibrant sense of beauty and the creative experience, and the self-discipline to carry out a chosen course of action. Finally, through volunteering and participation in our all-community events, family members and members of our broader community also find opportunities to learn and to contribute, thereby developing their capacities as well.

201 S. Winebiddle St.Pittsburgh, PA 15224


Elementary education



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Elementary, Secondary Ed

Waldorf School of Pittsburgh is a 501(c)(3) public charity, EIN 25-1656251. Donations are tax-deductible. Select content is provided by GuideStar.

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