How to donate to the Penny Appeal

The Penny Appeal provides aid to those in poverty across Asia, the Middle East and Africa. They help with water solutions, providing food, giving care to orphans and helping in emergencies where it is needed.

Penny Appeal was founded back in 2009 and has a simple message: they change small change into a big difference. They work to empower communities across the world to break the cycle of poverty. 100% of Zakat from the Penny Appeal go towards helping people who need it and they aim to make donating doable for everyone.

Penny Appeal charity projects

There are a number of projects ongoing via Penny Appeal at any one time – from specific fundraisers looking to feed the world’s neediest to supporting vulnerable orphans with their education and healthcare.

Turkey & Syria Earthquake Emergency

Penny Appeal delivers crucial aid to people affected by the earthquakes that occurred in Turkey and Syria in February 2023. The charity operates mobile food kitchens to provide hot meals to people who have been living in sub zero temperatures since the earthquakes, as well as delivering medical aid and food to those in need .


There are millions of vulnerable orphans across the world – and they need love, care and support in order to be able to thrive. OrphanKind aims to break the cycle of poverty that can come with losing one or both parents by providing education, healthcare, clothes and food to children that need it so they can have a better start in life.


Access to clean drinking water is one of the fundamentals of human life. But millions of people in the poorest countries don’t have this basic right. ThirstRelief aims to provide clean drinking water by building water wells, desalination plants and hand pumps in poverty stricken areas that wouldn’t otherwise have access.


The FeedOurWorld project reaches out to people in 17 countries across the globe to provide food and nutrition. Part of this work includes sustainable food projects, which gives training on growing crops and selling produce in markets which could help communities break the cycle of poverty.

How the charity uses donations

The charity uses your donations to provide support on the ground to those who need it the most – whether it’s through food, support to orphans or clean drinking water. According to their Annual Report in 2021 they:

  •  Provided meals to 7.5 million people
  • They helped to provide 16,395 sponsorships to orphans
  • 34,000 wells have been built through ThirstRelief
  • Their winter campaign in 2021 helped to keep 11,000 people warm

How to donate to Penny Appeal

You can donate to Penny Appeal online – either as a one off or sign up for monthly payments. Penny Appeal is also a verified organisation for Ramadan Giving at GoFundMe.

How to fundraise for Penny Appeal

And if you’re inspired by the work Penny Appeal does, you can always start your own GoFundMe to contribute to their good cause. It’s easy to start a fundraiser – and there’s some tips on how to start raising money on our blog.