Grants and other financial help to pay for school uniforms

Standard school uniforms can be an extra pressure on parents’ pockets at any time of year – and with the cost of living crisis, this added cost might be a struggle to afford. Luckily, there are school uniform grants and help which can relieve the pressure on families needing to afford uniform. On average, a full set of uniform can cost around £230 – and that’s just for one child. So here’s how you can get help with your school uniform.
How the UK Government is helping with the cost of school uniforms
When schools and governors are coming up with uniform policy, there’s certain guidelines regarding costs and also the provision of second hand school uniforms that they must take into account as a first point. The government stipulates that parents should not have to take into consideration the cost of uniform when applying for a child’s place at school – ie, the uniform in a specific school should not be so expensive that it puts parents off for that sole reason. Schools should ensure suppliers give good cost and value for money and that the uniform guidelines are on websites and easy to see.
Local Authority grants
If you’re struggling to afford uniforms, some local authorities will provide discretionary grants to help. To find out more you can:
- Find your local cancel on the following page:
- Search for ‘school uniforms’ on the council website
- Read the council’s guidance and policy on school uniform support
Eligibility criteria for school uniform can vary from council to council, but if your child gets free school meals, they may also be able to get help with uniforms. You can read more about free school meals here.
Other ways to get financial support with the cost of school uniforms
There’s a number of other ways that you can get help with school uniform if you need it, too. From charity support to help in the community and school uniform exchanges.
School uniform exchanges
School uniform exchanges are a great way to get uniform for free – this can be good for your pocket but also better for the environment. Children grow quickly and so often uniform for kids is grown out of before it is worn out, meaning there’s life in it for others. You can find uniform exchanges in your local area, such as this one in Leeds. There’s also potential to set up your own uniform exchange and guidance here on how best to do that.
Charity support
There are also charities that offer support when it comes to getting school uniforms. Uniformed for example helps families up and down the country by working with schools and issuing vouchers for school clothes. They’ve supported over 50 schools so far, handing out hundreds of vouchers.
Crowdfunding could also be an option when it comes to help with school uniforms. If you’re struggling yourself, a crowdfunding page could be a good way for families to contribute what they can to help. Or if you want to help out in the community, starting a fundraiser to help others could change lives.
Kate started this school uniform appeal after realising that many low income families in her area were struggling to pay the hundreds of pounds needed for school uniforms. So far, she’s managed to raise more than £12k to help struggling parents.
Black Mums Upfront partnered with charity Juvenis to help provide needy families with school uniform. They knew that mums like themselves were struggling to pay for uniform, especially after Covid-19, so decided to start this fund to help.
Billy started this fundraiser after remembering his own single mum buying uniform for three kids and having to use savings and grants. He started this fundraiser for UNIForm to help.
Get help with the cost of school uniforms
If you are needing help with uniform costs, it couldn’t be easier to start a GoFundMe and get help – or help others – with uniform expenses today.