Movember: Five ways you can support in the UK

Still calling the eleventh month of the year November? If so, you’re way behind the curve – it’s known as Movember in the UK these days!
What is Movember?
Wondering what Movember is? Well, did you know that, on average, men die six years earlier than women, largely for preventable reasons? Movember in the UK sees men – or ‘mo bros’ – grow and groom moustaches throughout November to raise funds and awareness for men’s health issues, including testicular cancer, prostate cancer and suicide prevention.
The idea was born in a Melbourne pub in 2003, when mates Travis Garone and Luke Slattery decided to bring back the tash for a good cause. Movember is now a registered charity and a global annual event, with more than five million people taking part to date.
Since its birth, Movember has funded over 1,250 men’s health projects. By 2030, it aims to have reduced the number of men dying prematurely by 25%. In short, it’s a darn good cause to get behind!
Movember fundraising ideas
1. Mo-themed movie night
Everybody loves a Big Night In, particularly at the moment when a Big Night Out is off the table anyway! There are tons of movies featuring characters with impressive tashes (Ron Burgundy in Anchorman or Ben Stiller in Dodgeball, anybody?) so come up with a shortlist, put it to a group of friends and choose a winner. If you can’t meet up and share popcorn, give the Netflix Party app a whirl and sync your movie night from the comfort of your own sofa. If everyone donates the cost of a cinema ticket to your GoFundMe fundraiser, you’ll soon rack up donations, especially if you make it a weekly affair.
2. 60 for 60
Sixty men die from suicide every hour worldwide – that’s one man every minute. Let that shocking stat sink in, then use it as inspiration to run, walk or cycle 60km throughout November in return for Movember UK fundraising donations, so that other men will get the mental health support they didn’t. Why not team up with some friends and help keep each other motivated with races and fancy dress runs?
3. Beers for bros
Movember began over some beers, making a booze-themed fundraiser totally on brand – hurrah! The Covid-19 pandemic might have rained on many fundraising parades this year, but Zoom calls make decent substitutes. Gather a group of family and friends (moustachioed if possible – the women can wear fakes!) and host a virtual pub quiz. It’s crying out for a ‘match the moustache to the celebrity’ picture round and another on men’s health. Point participants in the direction of your GoFundMe fundraiser, where they can donate the usual £2 entry cost and the price of a few beers. Post a themed prize to the winner, like this novelty moustache mug.
4. Mo at your mercy
This one’s fun but simple. Set up your GoFundMe fundraiser, explain why you’re fundraising for Movember and promise donors that whoever gives the most each week will get to choose how you style your tash for the next seven days. Nothing should be off the table, even dying it lime green! Share Movember’s moustache style guide to give your pals some evil inspiration. Who wouldn’t pay to see you rock ‘the trucker’ like a dodgy 70s porn star? Be sure you post regular photos to give everybody a laugh!
5. Bike in style
Movember is in charge of investing funds raised by the Distinguished Gentleman’s Ride, an annual event that sees thousands of men (and women!) dress dapper, grab a vintage motorbike and ride together in the name of men’s health. DGR 2020 took place in September, with everybody riding solo due to social distancing restrictions, but you could adapt the idea for November. No motorbike? No problem! Good old bicycles will work just as well. Try committing to cycling around your local park or town once a day, dressed in all your finery. You’ll certainly attract attention, but attention sparks conversations – and donations!
How others are doing Movember UK
Ben, Jim and their boys
Nottingham student Benjamin Kelly has enlisted his seven housemates to take part in Movember. They have all vowed to ‘attempt to grow some, if any, facial hair’ on their upper lips, and have handed the styling reins over to an Instagram vote. Halfway through the month, donors will get the chance to nominate two lads to wax their legs! The gang has already smashed their £1,000 goal and November hasn’t even begun. That’s what we call Mo Pros!
In another top team effort, Jim Thompson’s Geordie Jim’s Boys have raised nearly £80,000 for Movember since he was diagnosed with advanced metastatic prostate cancer in 2011. His goal is to reach £100,000 before he dies, with his new 2020/21 GoFundMe fundraiser open for donations now.
2. Marathon for Movember UK
Ben Costin from Bristol had signed up to run the Yorkshire marathon in aid of Movember but it got postponed due to coronavirus. Instead, he’ll be running the same distance on the same day in Bristol, raising money for a cause that is close to his heart personally. So far, Ben has raised over £600, surpassing his £500 goal, with his GoFundMe fundraiser is still open for donations.
3. Topiary that tash!
Clara Benn from Richmond leapt at the chance to lead her boyfriend Roger’s 2019 Movember fundraiser. She ran an auction, with the highest GoFundMe giver choosing how to style his tash, fondly dubbed his ‘Moustachenificence’. Sadly the month ended before the couple reached their £500 goal, at which point Rog had promised to dye his tash a bright colour, but they raised a respectable £465 from 25 donors. We’re looking forward to chuckling at his efforts this year…
4. Movember…in reverse
What if you want to take part in Movember UK but always have a tash anyway? Look to Scot Andy Goodwin for inspiration – or rather, his wife Megan. After “hours of haggling”, she convinced him to take part in an ‘anti-Movember’ campaign and shave his “horrible” moustache off instead! Megan begged friends and family to donate “for the sake of his marriage”, which no doubt elicited some giggles and encouraged their GoFundMe donations. The couple raised £445 earlier this year, proving that humour can work fundraising magic!
Ready to make a difference this Movember?
GoFundMe makes Movember fundraising quick and easy. Setting up a fundraiser takes five minutes, if that, and our blog is jam-packed with tried and tested fundraising hacks to try. Don’t forget to share your GoFundMe far and wide on social media, and remember – whatever you grow, will save a bro!