Wear It Pink Day 2023: What It Is and How to Get Involved

Wear It Pink Day does exactly what it says on the tin – encourages people up and down the country to don their best pink clothes in support of Breast Cancer Now. Wear It Pink Day has been running for 20 years now and has raised millions. If you’d like to get out your best garms in aid of the charity and raise money you can do so easily by starting a GoFundMe for the occasion.
The purpose of Wear It Pink Day
The aim of Wear It Pink Day is to raise awareness of breast cancer – and raise funds for the charity in the process. The aim of Breast Cancer Now is to make sure that everyone diagnosed with the illness lives by 2050. It’s a great opportunity to start a sporting challenge, organise a team fundraiser or get your colleagues involved – and there’s loads of ideas on how to fundraise here.
When is Wear It Pink Day 2023?
This year, Wear It Pink Day takes place on October 20 2023 – which is in Breast Cancer Awareness Month. It’s a Friday, which means it’s the perfect opportunity to get your work colleagues to dress up for a fun Friday, or hosting a non-uniform day at school or college. You’ve still got time to start a breast cancer fundraiser for this year’s Wear It Pink Day.
Wear It Pink Day has been a thing for 20 years, raising more than £39 million and plenty of awareness around the disease. It’s one of the biggest fundraising events in the UK – the original idea was simple: wear it pink and donate £2. It always takes place in October, which is Breast Cancer Awareness Month.
How to get involved
So, you’ve decided to dig out all your pink clothes and get your pals involved as well. It couldn’t be easier to start raising money for a brilliant cause – and the sooner you start, the more you can raise.
1. Set up your fundraiser
First of all, set up your GoFundMe for Wear It Pink Day. It’s easy to start a GoFundMe here. When you set it up, think about how to tell your story and why you are fundraising. Select a good picture and a goal and you’re on your way!
2. Spread the word about your campaign
When you’ve got the fundraiser started, it’s time to spread the word. Post the link on social media so your friends and family can see it and easily donate. Make sure to let your work colleagues know what you’re doing and send it out on an email, with a follow up a couple of weeks later. If you can, print out QR codes and post them around the office for easy reminders. Each time you hit a fundraising goal, host an event, achieve success in your fitness challenge post an update shouting about it!
3. Wear It Pink
Now for the action – how to wear it pink. Either grab the pink things in your wardrobe and as many pink accessories as you can. If you’re struggling for things in the right colour you can always add pink lipstick, accessories like feather boas, socks or even facepaint.
How organisations can get involved
Wear It Pink Day is a brilliant opportunity to bring groups together – it might be your colleagues doing a dress up pink Friday, schools or colleges doing a dress down Friday, coffee mornings, community groups, even parents at the school gate – there’s no limit on how many people can wear it pink.
Successful Wear It Pink fundraisers
And if you needed any more inspiration, here are some brilliant success stories of people who wore it pink and raised money for a good cause.
Joann raised over £1,200 for Breast Cancer Now
Joann was diagnosed with breast cancer in April 2022 and ‘never thought it would happen’ to her. She wanted to give back to Breast Cancer Now once her treatment had finished and managed to raise more than £1,200 in the process.
100k Wear It Pink Challenge
This fundraiser is a brilliant example of colleagues banding together for a good cause. Staff at Wandahome South Cave decided to run, walk or bike 100k in aid of Wear It Pink and Breast Cancer Now.
Kinetics Pink October
Kinetic Estate Agents decided they wanted to Wear It Pink to help a local cause – renovating the balcony area at Waddington Ward at Lincoln County Hospital. They managed to raise more than £2,600 by doing this.
Start a fundraising campaign for Wear It Pink Day
If all this has inspired you to have a wardrobe switch-up on October 20, it couldn’t be easier to get started. Get a group of pals, colleagues, family together to all don your best pink clothes to raise some funds for this brilliant cause. The earlier you get started, the more donations you can get – so start a GoFundMe today.