Are there more ways I can help beyond donating?

Financial donations are a great way to support a fundraiser or cause you care about, but did you know there are many other ways you can help? In fact, sharing the cause with your friends, family, and social networks can greatly increase its visibility and ultimately help bring more potential donors. 

Something that takes you five minutes of your time can be greatly appreciated by the fundraiser organizer or cause you want to support. For example, I had a friend organizing a fundraiser for her son’s unexpected medical bills. When I couldn’t donate anything additional to help her fundraiser, I still wanted to help. I shared the fundraiser with my social networks, telling the story of her son and my connection to him. As a result of this post, my friend received a few donations to their fundraiser from people in my networks who felt inspired to donate because of the story I shared. These people would not have seen the fundraiser or had a chance to donate without seeing my post. 

Here are four ways you can help beyond donating:

Sharing the fundraiser or cause with your network

Are you particularly passionate about this cause? Sharing why you care so much about the fundraiser or cause with your network increases the number of people who see and potentially support the cause as well. Provide specifics when possible and if you are comfortable. Friends and family are more likely to feel inclined to support if they understand the “why” behind your passion.

Reach out to the organizer

A kind word, especially if someone is raising money for an urgent or sensitive need, can mean the world. If you know the person, or group of people, running the fundraiser, reach out. Share a thoughtful message of encouragement such as “thinking of you, let me know if there is anything else I can do to help.”

If you did donate, add words of encouragement 

If you donated to the cause or fundraiser you supported on GoFundMe, one easy way to help is by adding a word of encouragement. This “comment” will show up on the GoFundMe you supported and be visible to people who are considering supporting the fundraiser. These words of encouragement don’t need to be longer than just a sentence or two to make a  difference. 

Like or comment on social posts  

Has the organizer of the fundraiser or cause posted about it on a social media platform? Your comment and/or ‘like’ on the post is another way to increase the visibility of the fundraiser as many social networks factor in the number of “likes” and comments when deciding what to show on newsfeeds. 

Things to consider when sharing a fundraiser or cause you care about:

Explain your connection

How do you know the person or organization raising funds? Do you have a connection to the cause? Sharing your personal connection is more impactful than sharing the link alone and helps draw in people who would consider donating. For example, if you are sharing a fundraiser for a friend or family member, summarize your relationship and why you care about the cause in a quick sentence or two. “This is a fundraiser for my cousin who is raising money to rebuild his family’s home after the recent wildfires. I know that they appreciate every donation to this fundraiser!”

Utilize photos or video

Have you heard the saying “a picture is worth a thousand words?” Well, adding a photo or video when sharing the fundraiser is a great way to increase someone’s connection to the cause. If you are sharing a fundraiser for your alma mater’s sports team to purchase new equipment, perhaps share a photo of you playing the sport to establish your connection and confirm your relationship with the cause. 

Ask the organizer

If you know them, ask the organizer of the fundraiser or cause if there is anything they would like you to specifically mention when sharing. For example, they might have an upcoming milestone or moment that is driving urgency to reach their goal. You can ask them, “I would love to help your cause by sharing with my friends and family. Is there anything specific you would like me to mention when sharing?”