Help Chuck and Amber
As most of you know, Charlie has made some major improvements over the past 38 days. He has had surgery on his c-spine along with his lower spine. He has come off of the Nitric oxide machine, the ventilator, and dialysis leaving him on a trach collar with low settings of oxygen. He finally left the ICU and was moved to a regular room on the 32nd day in the hospital. His eyes are open and tracking, he is answering to commands but not consistently, he has gotten a few clear sentences out and is trying so hard to talk. Although his lungs and kidneys have healed, Charlie's brain injury will require months, possibly years of recovery just like most traumatic brain injuries. He may have to learn to walk, talk, and do everything all over again. His wife and family prayed hard to get him into one of the best rehabilitation centers in the nation called TIRR which is located in Houston, TX as well - still 8 hours from their home and family. He is there and has started his road to recovery. As you can all imagine, Amber has already accrued a pile of medical bills from the lengthy stay in the hospital. Knowing they will be in Houston for however many more months needed for rehab, I feel like they need continuous donations as this will be a very long road to recovery.