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Help me evacuate and rescue my family from Gaza to Egypt

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‏Hello, I am Ibrahim. I live in Germany. I am completing the final stages of being employed as a doctor in German hospitals and helping the family of my brother Ahmed, his wife, and his three children to leave Gaza and save them from the brutal war.

‏This is the story of my brother Ahmed's family in their own words.
‏Welcome everybody. My name is Alaa, Ahmed’s wife. Our family consists of 5 members. I have 3 children. My child is named Mosa, and my twin girls are Ella and Ellen.‏

With a heavy heart, I am writing to you about our experience living in a plastic nylon tent in the Al-Mawasi area.
As for my eldest child, Mosa, who is ten years old, he was infected with the contagious hepatitis virus after injuring his foot. Because of this severe war, he and my husband live in one camp, and I and my two daughters live in another camp.

My two daughters suffer from illness, severe cold, and intestinal diseases due to malnutrition, especially since they are twins, and since their birth they have been suffering from diseases that I did not want to disclose, but currently we need any help, as Ella suffers from Blood infections. Ellen suffers from neurological diseases and increased electricity in the body. She suffers from convulsions. In this war, I am no longer able to provide special medicine for them. These reports explain the condition of my child Ella and Ellen.

We struggle in the mud when the rain falls and I hear the continuous shelling! After being uprooted more than five times, we could not find another place to stay but this tent.
‏The electricity and internet were cut off for more than seven months, and these pictures show the condition of the drinking water that my two daughters drink

‏Iam an engineer who completed my master’s degree at the Islamic University in the Faculty of Engineering. I was teaching at the Faculty of Design at the University of Gaza, and I was working as an engineer in the municipality in the planning department.
‏ I enjoyed any educational experience. I was about to begin the procedures to enter the doctoral studies stage, live life to the fullest, and give back to society.
‏I know I can achieve all of my many goals, but this struggle has taken away every ambition and goal I had the greatest enthusiasm to achieve.

‏I started preparing to prepare the papers to study for a doctorate in the College of Engineering, Department of Urban Planning. I was eager to enter this stage and continue my education in the College of Engineering in order to be a great mother to my children and help the Gaza community. Unfortunately, during the beginning of the conflict, my entire house was bombed, my child Musa was injured and broke his leg, then my husband’s workplace, which was a concrete factory, was bombed, and then the municipality in which I worked as an engineer was destroyed, and the University of Gaza ‏is now a battlefield.

‏It’s the 210th day of the war, and things are getting worse and more confusing every day. We literally never know what is going to happen, so we always live in fear. After our house was bombed, we moved five times with nothing in search of safety, but unfortunately, there is no safe place in Gaza, and every area is bombed without prior notice. My children have been suffering psychologically since the beginning of the war due to the intensity and frightening sounds of nearby explosions, which made them shiver constantly, lose weight, sleep poorly, and not eat. I will never forget the terrifying and difficult times I went through during the conflict in northern Gaza. I try hard to make my two daughters play and make them forget the war and bombing, even if for a few minutes.

‏The most difficult moments for me and my family were when the Israeli army entered by land with its tanks and we were sitting next to each other in the same room and there were 6 of us, me, my husband, my son Mosa, my daughters Ella and Ellen , and my husband’s mother. They fired phosphorus bombs into our neighborhood, and my husband, Ahmed, and I provided the necessary first aid, which consisted of applying wet compresses to the eyes for no less than 15 minutes. The most terrifying moment was when a shell was fired into the room next to us, and the soldier whose tank was a few meters away from our house began calling into the microphone: “You must evacuate the area quickly or we will arrest you.” everyone
‏We took responsibility for our lives and said goodbye to each other, perhaps for the last time. We left our accommodation carrying nothing but a backpack containing important papers, a white flag in the right hand, and an ID card in the left hand. We walked behind each other, because it was forbidden to turn right or left. My two daughters were crying, and I was praying to God that the soldiers would not notice my daughters crying, because it was forbidden to make any sound. Suddenly my two daughters became silent and continued walking.

‏There are details that the mind cannot ignore or forget!
‏I have survived four violent battles previously, but this battle was unlike any other battle we have ever witnessed. It is much worse than the sum of all previous wars. Now I fear for my children due to the severity of the war. I don't know if we'll be able to get through this. “I don't want my children to die,” I always say during my children's panic attacks when they hear the bombs, and I still say that I really don't want my children to die. I still have ambitions that I want to achieve.
‏Unfortunately ,they do not allow people to return from the south to the north, and therefore we cannot return to our house, which was bombed and completely destroyed. The bombing of my university and my city caused me and my husband to lose work. . We have lost so many dear friends and family, we have lost my brother-in-law and my cousin. My spirit is not broken despite these difficulties, and I am committed to trying to save my family, even if the campaign succeeds, but I will have tried hard.
‏But, in order to save my family, I must leave Rafah. With an expense of $7,000 per person for my family of five plus my mother-in-law, leaving Gaza to enter Egypt through the Rafah crossing seemed unsustainable.
‏We are frantically trying to rebuild and look forward to better days, so your help is truly appreciated. All contributions, no matter how small, enable us to begin to mend our shattered hopes. I humbly and deeply want every kind person to help me tell the world about my experience and my message. We appreciate your help and patience during this difficult time. For me and my family, your support means a new beginning. It also signifies compassion and unity in the pursuit of justice and the preservation of human life.
‏Here are my social media pages:
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These photos for my family:



Alaa Ahmed

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