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Sussex Tornados Uniform Fund
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We currently have 90 competing athletes that train with us weekly and compete 4 times a year in national competition. Whilst we raise funds where possible, all of our athletes are self-funded, cheerleading is an expensive sport and we are not in an affluent area. We provide a safe place for young people to come and enjoy the benefits of exercise, to be a part of something and learn team building and leadership skills in a disciplined but caring environment.
We desperately require new uniforms for the whole team, these will cost in the region of £15,000. We do not feel that our athletes can raise these funds alone, our incoming payments pay for the lease on our gym and for much needed safety equipment, and as a charity we aim to keep costs as low as possible for our team members.
Our current uniforms are around 5 years old and are in desperate need of an update but at around £150 per uniform we cannot expect our parents to find additional funds, especially as much of our team is made up of siblings and relatives.
We are aiming to raise a total of £15,000 by December, which is a huge mountain to climb, we have many fundraising ideas planned which can be seen on our website and facebook pages, but any funds that you are willing to donate will be gratefully received.
Sussex Tornados would like to thank anyone that takes the time to read and donate for helping us achieve our goals!" name="description">
We guarantee you a full refund for up to a year in the rare case that fraud occurs. See our GoFundMe Giving Guarantee.