We have set this up for medical expenses. Wendy has been through the Russian Roulette of Western medicine since 2016. It all started pretty simply she was tired more than usual and kept telling me she just didn't feel right. We began the dive into the medical abyss. After nearly 2 years of being told "it's all in your head", "It's just rosacea," "we can't find anything wrong with you." On and on it went until a dermatologist did some bloodwork on the off chance there was an autoimmune causing issues. The diagnosis came in as Dermatomyositis with signs of Lupus. When we were given this information we explained she had tested positive for limes disease several years ago and asked if that could be presenting some of the issues, we were brushed off. We were given the same diagnosis with a lot of medication and told this is very manageable and will have minimal effects on the quality of life.
All of this was late 2018. The photos above show everything has continued to progress from 2019 to 2022 despite taking the medications as prescribed. We have been frustrated with doctors not listening and just prescribing medicine after medicine. I have watched a once vibrant hyper-flexible woman decline into a lethargic, always exhausted, and in pain woman whose skin now feels like an alligator and itching all the time. She struggles to do everyday things; she has lost her ability to stretch, which is her stress reliever. So here we are with the doctors telling us they have put her through all the available medicines and there is nothing else they can do. How did we go from "this is very manageable" to "there is nothing else" in a matter of 2-3 years?
We had to make some choices about health because living in constant pain with movement becoming more and more restricted is no way to live, and it takes a toll on mental health. We are in Reno, NV for alternative treatment. The first week of detox is done this week the hard part has begun. She is having reactions which is miserable for her, but it means it is working. Already the swelling in her face is better and the redness of her skin is changing. We will be here a total of 6-8 weeks before we can begin the 3 day journey home to Texas.
The difficult part is insurance does not cover this type of treatment which I don't understand, they will pour out hundreds of thousands of dollars for big pharma that does not work, and the side effects are awful, yet they refuse to offer any help for treatments that are better for the body and actually works!
We are grateful for any help, no matter if it is monetary or just sending us good vibes and prayers! Thank you for reading and your consideration; we are grateful.
Wendy and Kitty
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