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The virus has resided in his spinal column which has caused paralysis. He has a trach to maintain his airway and needs the breathing machine about 12 hours a day. When not on the ventilator he needs high flow oxygen to maintain his breathing. He has a tube feeding for nutrition. He is not able to walk or move his arms. PT and OT work with him daily to gain strength. Speech therapy works with Peter daily to help strengthen his voice, so he will be able to talk and swallow. Peter remains in the ICU at Trinity Health Hospital in Minot ND awaiting placement into a long term facility that can manage his needs, which is where he will reside for many months. His recovery will be very long and difficult. He wants to FIGHT the BITE!!
Peter is very grateful for all the prayers and visits. Much of the money that is raised will cover his transportation costs back to MN. Please consider a donation. If you are not able to give financially, please say a daily prayer for his healing and strength. Bless you all, we appreciate any support!" name="description">
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