Haiti-Lemuel Ministry Well Project
Haiti's Northwest is infamous for its vicious cycle of deforestiation, drought, and poverty. On the Plateau, everyday life revolves around the search for water to drink, cook, bathe, do laundry and sustain livestock. The drought has become so severe that nearby natural water sources have run dry. The well project will help to eliminate the daily struggle to simply survive.
The Plateau is home to over 20,000 people. Daily, mostly women and children walk over an hour each way to gather water. This task often falls on the shoulders of children. The limited water at these existing sources is of very poor and unhealthy quality. The new wells will be much deeper in order to provide a higher quality and quantity water.
We have the land for three different prospective well sites, and there is a company ready to come out and drill for water. All that remains is to raise the necessary funding to drill the wells and install the casing, pump and protective fencing.
This is a project we've been working on for nearly 2 years. As soon as we can raise these funds, we will begin drilling and ultimately change the lives of thousands of people living on the Plateau.
Please help us reach our goal to provide clean water, something we take for granted every day, to the people of Lemuel.
Matthew 10:42 ~ "And whomever gives even a cup of cold water to one of these little ones, who are my disciples, truly I tell you, you will surely be rewarded."
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