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Help Palestinian family to evacuate from Gaza

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My name is Abdulla Daoud , I’m a 4th year medical student at Al-Azhar University Of Gaza , I have 7 sisters , four of them are married, and have their own families , one of my sisters and her family were lost in this war.
 I’m fundraising for me and my family , to survive our souls , and catch up the remains of our lost dreams , we fully lost everything we own (homes, works, futures, souls and loved ones)

We were briefly displaced from our home which is completely destroyed , and moved to more than 7 places .

One of this places was my Dear Sister’s home , Noura Daoud , which is already destroyed over their heads , and killed with her family , and the only survivor of this genocide her son , Muhammad shaheen ,with an eye injury , but thanks god for him, he had a medical transfer to Turkey, and unfortunately we couldn’t leave the war with him.

Another place, my sister’s home, Hend Daoud, which we escaped death from a few minutes before its destruction.

We reached another bad news about my dear sister, Heba Daoud , along with her husband and children, that they were under the rubble, injured, and there was no way to get them out, and they remained there more than 48 hours under bombs and fire belts, Her husband's family all killed , but by God’s mercy she escaped by walking on foot with her injured husband.

I was dreaming of being a doctor such as my father , and already finished 3 years of the journey , which costs me 15,000 dollar per year, As like as My sister , Menna Daoud , was dreaming of being an architecture , and since 7th of October our academic education is stopped for unknown period.

My father is a doctor lost his clinic and lost his job as a lecturer in Al-Azhar University which is also destroyed.

A week after 7th of October was my sister's wedding ,Asma Daoud ,but everything destroyed.

The bombing is getting hard day after day, and the nights is getting worse and we cannot sleep safely anymore, we wake up every day and see the remains of martyrs being buried in the lands next to us , there is no place to live anymore , no memories, dreams, childhood, or even clothes left , and we all escaped death many times we hope you help us to get out of Gaza very soon , and if the war ends the rebuilding will take years and a huge amount of money.

Below is a comprehensive breakdown of the expenses, provided for transparency and your clear understanding.

Breakdown of Expenses

* Rafah/Egypt crossing: $7000 per person ( a total of 98,000 for fourteen family members)

 * Visa application fees: $300 per person ( a total of $4,200 for fourteen family members)

 * ⁠Passport fees: $100 per person (a total of $500 for five children ) * Flight from Cairo to destination (one way): $650 per person (a total of $9,100 for fourteen family members)

 * Minimum living costs: $5000 per month (a total of $30,000 for six months)

 * My education : $20,000 per year ( a total of $60,000 for three years )

 * My sister education : $15,000 per year ( a total of 75,000 for five years )

My sister and her family who were killed

The only survivor of her family

Two children killed

Alma and abdel-rahem were martyred

Our destroyed home


Spendenteam: Campaña de recaudación de fondos en equipo (2)

Mohammed H
Abdulla Daoud
Team member

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