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Help Ease the Burden for Carlos Mejia's Family

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Hello my loves! Asyou all know my "Dawg"/ Brother is finally home with his Heavenly Father! I really appreciate all the love and support I have been receiving from everyone. From the bottom of my heart I really thank you all, please know, I won't ever forget this!! Anything that your heart desires to donate will be used to contribute to the funeral bill( my share) , my moms past due bills, Julian's suit for the funeral (he was chosen to be a one of the pallbearers & he is so honored to do it.) & to get me through until I get paid. It breaks my heart to be in my current financial situation when my Dawg needed my contribution the most. :( I don't want to put more burden on my family and this will help Julian & me tremendously. The good news is that I started a new job last week! God willing they will pay for my days I have missed. God is good my loves! I will stay positive and strong. With God nothing is impossible! I'm just happy my Dawg is not suffering anymore & he is finally free and victorious! Im sure he's dancing of joy in heaven! Please share this link with your family & friends if you can. I love you very much.

Sincerely with a broken heart,

Judy & Julian Mejia ♡

My goal is to donate 3K from my fund raiser to his funeral bill and 1K to help with my personal costs to get by.


Judith Mejia
Upland, CA

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