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Help Rofyda to start their life in Egypt

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Hey Community,

I am Osama Qunoo, My sister Rofydah is starting this campaign and she seeking to achieve her target by starting a new life in Egypt, please help her and show your solidarity!

Rofydah Qunoo said "I am a doctor and mother of four children, I find myself in dire circumstances. The onset of war has left my family and me displaced, having lost our home, possessions, and livelihood. We are in urgent need of assistance to rebuild our lives.

In the aftermath of this devastating upheaval, my primary concern lies in securing a stable education for my sons, Mohammad and Abdalrahman, in Egypt. As we embark on this journey towards recovery, there are numerous expenses we must address, including but not limited to acquiring accommodation, purchasing essential items, covering rent and utilities, and endeavoring to compensate for the losses endured by my family during the harrowing months of conflict.

Despite the adversity we have faced, our family remains resilient and determined to pursue our aspirations.

Your support, no matter how small, will be instrumental in facilitating our transition to safety and stability.

Every contribution made will significantly impact our ability to rebuild our lives anew."

Osama Qunoo



Osama Qunoo

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