Please help us with the loss of our horses
Donation protected
On May 17, the lives of Sarah Jandl-Butcher and more than five other families, were affected in a way nobody expected – more than 30 horses boarded at Cedar Creek Farm in Melancthon, were at risk of getting Equine Herpesvirus, a deadly and highly contagious neurological disease for which there is no vaccine or cure.
Sarah, the owner of Cedar Creek Farm, has been working diligently and tirelessly to protect the lives of the nearly three dozen horses under her care. Many are race horses, but others are much loved members of the family; horses and ponies who’ve been loved by dozens of kids over decades.
Sadly, EVH-1 has claimed the lives of three horses so far, and more are at risk. Two horses have been shipped off-site to the university for advanced-level care, and several others are still on the property under constant watch for symptoms.
EVH-1 strikes suddenly and without much warning. Horses will fall to the ground, paralyzed and in pain, until their organs shut down.
Rivendell Vet Clinic has been instrumental in keeping this outbreak from becoming a worse tragedy, but costs are mounting. Vet fees, transport fees to move horses off-site, vet hospital fees, and sadly, cremation fees for the loved horses are piling up.
Sarah, and the families involved, are asking your help to defray the exorbitant cost of dealing with this immense tragedy that struck, through no fault of their own.
Sarah Jandl