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He ran for the house and made it inside to safety but was shot 3 times. Once through the lower back, once through the upper shoulder, and one shot through his forearm which shattered his ulna (forearm bone) and required reconstructive surgery. Brandon has been in Hartford Hospital since halloween night and does not have insurance. He will also require physical therapy. He is conscious and awake. The surgery was successful and he can walk but is still not out of the woods yet. He is still in shock and emotionally distressed by this event, the police are still trying to find the suspect at large.
We are looking to gather funds to help cover his many medical expenses and to help pay for his physical therapy and support him while he is out of work. Anything helps, please share and thank you so much for your support.
I'm home safe now with my family! Thank you so much for all of the donations! Every little donation counts. A long road ahead of me.. All expenses will go to medical bills and hopefully a new vehicle. Love all you guys and I will keep you updated." name="description">
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