Hi, my name is Lauren Shoemaker, I’m Mariah Frappier’s older sister.
This morning I received a call that my little sister Mariah was in a terrible car accident. She was driving home from her overnight nursing shift and hydroplaned up an embankment and into a steet sign, ultimately wrapping her vehicle around the sign. When we got to the ICU, we found that Mariah obtained some serious injuries. Mariahs left side of her body received some serious impact and she will have a long road of recovery ahead. Her pelvis was crushed, she has kidney injuries, a spleen injury and multiple broken bones. She will undergo a series of operations and rehab over the next couple weeks.
Anyone who knows Mariah knows her love for helping others. She’s in school to become an RN at Forsyth Tech. She had just accepted a position to work at Novant that she was supposed to start on January 15th.
Please keep Mariah in your prayers and our family in your prayers.
Terri and Ed Frappier-mom and dad
Joshua Shields- boyfriend (of 7 years, today is actually their anniversary.)
Lauren Shoemaker- sister
Olivia Frappier-sister
Cindy and Wayne Sheilds-secondary parents
Gloria Frappier- grandmother
Hazel Pleasants- grandmother
Matthew Ritchie-brother in law
Blake and Brady Shoemaker-brother in laws
I plan to post periodic updates as we receive them.