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Recently we received heart breaking news that our very own Anthony Ortiz's wife, Judy Ortiz has been diagnosed with Throat Cancer in May. Anthony has been a great employee for Winterberry Landscape Management for years. She is currently undergoing chemo & radiation therapy. Judy has been in and out of Hartford Hospital for months, with a recent emergency room visit & hospitalization 2 weeks ago. We learned that she currently has a fever on top of fighting the cancer.
Anthony and Judy have been married for 17 years. Judy has a kind heart who is very family oriented. She is a daughter, wife, mother and grandmother who loves nothing more than spending time with her grand kids.
Covid-19 has only made it more devastating at this time for Judy and Anthony. They have been struggling with their medical bill as it has begun to pile up rapidly since the diagnosis. Whilst Anthony & Judy would never directly ask for help, we decided to step in as a community and ask for assistance on behalf of their family. We would like everyone's help in alleviating at least some of this financial burden by asking our own folks at Winterberry to make a contribution to help with medical costs associated with Judy's treatment and hospital stays.
Every little bit will help to give peace of mind while Judy and Anthony they navigate their way through this very difficult time.
Winterberry Garden wants to thank everyone from the bottom of our heart for taking the time to consider donating to one of our own hard workers Anthony Ortiz and his beloved wife Judy. We are sending all our love and well wishes to Judy and will be keeping her family in our thoughts." name="description">
We guarantee you a full refund for up to a year in the rare case that fraud occurs. See our GoFundMe Giving Guarantee.