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Help for Baby Michael

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I am requesting help on behalf of my 22 month old son Michael. He has been diagnosed with autism and severe global delay.  He recently began having epeleptic seizures, and we have been told that because he is still not walking, he has been diagnosed with atonic Cerebal Palsy and hyper mobility.  He also has a fossa aracnoid cyst on his brain. Michael does not speak, crawl, or walk yet.

The day cares will not care for him any longer because they do not want to be responsible of seizures.  The day cares that accomodate Michael's needs and learning styles do not accept children until they are three.  The few available day cares are not equipped to handle his special needs and do not have staff qualified to handle the situation if he should have a seizure. 
I am a school teacher and am taking an upaid family leave for 12 weeks to care for Michael. When my leave time is expired I do not have any one to care for him. I need my job for insurance purposes to pay for his many doctors which are a team. I am ineligible for sevices because I am part of the working class. I teach in an inner city school and my paycheck is minimal, I work for my health benefits.

I would stay home and care for him myself if there was a way to stay afloat financialy but not at the cost of losing Michael's benefits.  I have been  in touch with SSI, Division of Disabilitied, BCBS and Medicaid as well as a Social Worker etc. All doors are closed to me.

I am seeking funds to help me pay for a care giver qualified to administer CPR and take care of Michael's needs while I am at work. Any funds raised will go to Michael's care.  I appreciate any help that you are able to give.  Without continuing the special treatment MIchael has been getting would create deterioration of his skills. Thank you and god bless.



  • Rosemary Lyle
    • $500
    • 7 yrs


Melissa Pellegrino Feczer
Secaucus, NJ

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