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Hi, as a break from Covid and Trump going to try and tap you up for two great causes....I have been working with Midland tyres for several years and recently became Chairman of it - it is the biggest commercial tyre company in the country (sorry does not do car tyres so can't get discounts!) Midland is supporting two very worthy causes. This is especially as Covid is making it very difficult to fund raise and we at Midland want to give something back by supporting Movember and Cork Penny Dinners.
Movember is a charity tackling men’s health on a global scale, year round. They address issues such as prostate cancer, testicular cancer, and mental health and suicide prevention. Penny Dinners is one of Cork's oldest caring charitable organisations who help those in need. Cork Penny Dinners provide hot nourishing meals daily. In addition sandwiches, biscuits, fruit and juice are also available to take away as an evening meal.
All our volunteers have agreed to grow a dust buster for Movember, except those with beards who have agreed to shave theirs off for the first time this century! Please vote for who you want to win and the winner will have to wait until December 8th to shave their moustache when we will be supporting Penny Dinners in Cork.
After your donate please click on link below to vote https://pollunit.com/polls/tcmomicfpozzglpq9sdynw" name="description">
We guarantee you a full refund for up to a year in the rare case that fraud occurs. See our GoFundMe Giving Guarantee.