My name is Gwen, and the reason i’m making this gofundme is because our family’s 5 year old english mastiff is in desperate need of a surgery in order to save her life. About a week ago, Grace stopped eating. She was still drinking water and we suspected a possible pregnancy. We were able to get her to eat some bone broth and turkey 2 days ago, but yesterday she started throwing up bile and foam every time she got a drink. I took her to the emergency vet this evening to find out that she has a condition called Pyometra and her uterus is full of puss and infection. The emergency vet recommended spaying her immediately at the cost of $2,111-$3,317 which I do not have. I’m a single mom raising 4 children and 2 giant dogs and trying to keep my head above water. Please help if you can. If you can’t help, please pray for her and share this. She’s really special to me and the kids.
Update: Gracie was able to get her surgery. Hickman Run Animal Hospital was able to squeeze her in and remove her 10lb uterus. It was the biggest she had ever seen, it was full of puss and infection and looked like it was about to rupture. Fortunately they were able to remove it in time, she’s home now recovering, however we still have an account balance, people can make donations directly to Hickman run animal hospital in Gracie’s name if you’d feel more comfortable, i’ll attach a payment receipt with her customer number or donate here, help is still needed to pay off this balance