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Zander, Elayna, and Heather Medical

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On 8/12/2017 my sister in law Heather and her best friend Cieara watched my kids for the weekend and were bringing them to me in Asheville from Franklin NC. Coming up Cowee mountain a huge rain storm hit and my sister hydroplaned head on into a Chevy 1500. My sisters best friend didn't make it and my sister broke both legs arms collar bone and several vertebae. She has had two surgerys and will need many more. My son has compound fractures in both bones in his lower left leg, a fracture in his skull(near the eye socket not mentally threatening) broke both collar bones, and broken right wrist, He is recovering well but has about 3 months before he will be up and walking again. My daughter was relatively un scathed. She has very bad scrapes from the straps of her carseat but is otherwise doing well if not sore. 

Me, my wife, and my in laws will be missing alot of work and both families live over an hour away from the hospital. They like me live off their paychecks and the loss of work will be felt immediately for both parties. I am asking for help at this time for travel expenses and the inevitable loss of income from missing as much work as we will be. I would also like give a third of the money raised to Cieara's family to cover expenses and help them through this trying time. This has been the worst week of my life but I know we can all pull through with a little help. It will be a long road of recovery for Heather and Zander and our lives will never be the same without Cieara here with us. Please help any way you can. 

Love you All, 

Charlie Caleb Peek


  • Rob & Elise Peek
    • $100
    • 7 yrs


Charlie Caleb Peek
Fox Ridge, NC

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