Our sons Mason (3 yrs) and Matthew (above 2 yrs) were both born with what is still an undiagnosed Lyeukodystrophy. We have traveled many miles circling the medical world trying to find a definite diagnosis and cure. Until that day, both boys have severely limited mobility and strength - they cannot walk, sit, crawl, or speak - and cannot play at or enjoy an average playground.
As we set out to find a special needs playground, we were discouraged to discover that there is no where we can take them within a 50 mile radius! So at first, we set out to add some equipment to our personal yard. However, we quickly realized that there are a large number of WNY families with special needs children and there is nowhere for any of them to go with their children to play and enjoy a park like other kids, either. And considering all the support we have received from county and state programs, we thought it would be better to pay it forward and help the whole community.
So, we have the opportunity to do something really awesome in a WNY park in Pendleton: build a special needs playground to include swing sets, visual and audio tools, a slide, and even a merry-go round, all wheelchair accessible! Via our local Lions Club (of which Jason is a member) we are setting out to do just that.
With help from the Lion's Club, local governments, and donors like you we know we can make it happen. Our boys and the many other families raising special needs children will benefit greatly from a park like this.
Please help us in any way you can. Special needs equipment is significantly more expensive than average playground equipment, and we hope to have more than just one or two pieces there for these kids: we aim to create a full, real playground for them!
The outpouring of love and support we have received from people already is quite amazing. We thank you very very much for your support and donations!
The Evchich Family