How To Get Help With Rent: What To Do if You’re Struggling With Rental Costs

For many people, needing help with rent is something they will come across at some point in their lives. With the rising cost of living, energy bills and inflation, it’s not surprising that people are struggling with what is often the biggest expenditure month to month. But there are solutions if you’re having difficulty affording your rent.
Mandy and her partner had just started to settle in after making a big move across the country. Then an unforeseen expense made a huge dent in their budget and left them in urgent need of help with paying their rent.
“My car failed its inspection, and to pass I needed a €1,000 repair,” Mandy recalls. “I had 10 days to get it fixed and our rent was due the next week.”
Mandy and her partner were already finding it difficult to make ends meet. They both had low-paid jobs. Mandy’s wages depended on how many shifts she could pick up at the shop where she worked. It was a case of either paying their €850 rent or fixing her car.
Reluctantly, Mandy asked her mother for help.
“We didn’t know what else to do,” Mandy says. “If I couldn’t drive my car, I couldn’t get to work.”
Mandy isn’t the only person in this kind of situation. Many people are only one emergency bill away from not being able to cover their household expenses. This article states that due to low availability of rental properties and inflation of rental costs, average rent is now unaffordable for 90% of earners.
Why people need help with rent
According to guidelines, any family that spends more than 30% of their income on rent are “cost burdened”. This means they may have trouble affording other necessities.
“That’s hard in a lot of rental markets for people,” says Laura Scherler, senior director of economic mobility and corporate solutions at United Way. She adds that there are people who spend more than 40% or 50% of their income on rent. “It leaves them vulnerable if their car breaks down or if their kids get sick. Anything unexpected will throw them off. It doesn’t give them any wiggle room to manage those crises”.
That was the case for Mandy. She and her partner had already used up all of their savings on their move when they had to get her car fixed. Mandy estimates that they were paying about 50% of their joint income on rent.
“We didn’t have any savings to fall back on,” Mandy says, adding that saving even €20 of her wages (as Scherler recommends) was incredibly difficult for the couple at the time.
Financial challenges are widespread
According to’s 2022 savings report, they found that one in 10 respondents don’t have any savings at all.
The same report found that:
- Two thirds of respondents didn’t have an emergency fund.
There are lots of different reasons why people may be struggling to afford rent, or put money away to help – and there are solutions.
How to get help with your rent
There are ways that you can manage your money and make the process around renting easier.
Read your tenancy agreement
Find out what your rights are as a tenant. Find out what happens if you make a late payment or if you miss a month and when eviction proceedings can begin.
Landlords must give you at least 90 days notice if they wish to review the rent, according to Citizens Information. There’s also currently an eviction ban in place, meaning from October 2022 to March 2023 you cannot be evicted during these months.
Tenancy agreements set out the rights and responsibilities of you and your landlord. Ensure that you find out what your rights are as a tenant, such as what happens if you make a late payment or miss a month and when eviction proceedings can begin.
Talk to your landlord
If you are a good tenant and have a good relationship with your landlord, they may be willing to work with you. Ask if they will accept a late payment or if you can pay your rent in instalments.
Contact charities
Non-profit organisations can step in to help, too. The Peter McVerry Trust offers tenant support and advice to those facing housing issues. Citizens Advice and GOV.IE both offer information and advice on housing and renting. You may be able to get help with paying your rent by applying for housing benefit from the government, which can support those who are unemployed, receive a low income or claim benefits. Local welfare schemes, such as community food banks, can provide help with food, heating and clothing, thus relieving some financial strain.
Explore other income sources
Ask your friends and family members for a loan or see if you can get an advance on your wages from your employer. Some companies may also have a hardship fund for employees.
Consider crowdfunding
Crowdfunding is a great solution. A good way to alert friends and family to your situation is by starting a fundraiser on GoFundMe. A GoFundMe can provide crowdfunding so that you get to keep more of the money that you raise. It’s easy to start a fundraising page on GoFundMe and we’ve got more information about it on our blog.
Government aid
Rent Supplement is available in Ireland for people living in privately rented accommodation. It’s a mean-tested payment that is available on a short term basis for people struggling to pay their rent.
It also helps people in situations like domestic violence, where it isn’t mean tested for three months after referral. There’s also the HAP scheme, which is social housing support for those who have a long term need for accommodation. For HAP, you have to be on the local authorities housing list, which you need to apply for. There’s more information about HAP here.
A rent crisis can be a sign of a bigger problem
By taking a look at the bigger picture when faced with a one-off, emergency expense, people can avoid years of financial struggle.
For Mandy, her struggle to pay the rent was a sign that she and her partner needed more help than they were prepared to admit to get by. They had been considering applying for Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (commonly referred to as SNAP), but their financial crisis caused them to seek immediate help.
“We felt terrible,” Mandy says. “We wanted so badly to be self-sufficient, but we just couldn’t make it work.”
There are a number of resources available to you if you ever find yourself in a situation like Mandy’s and many programmes continue to provide help after the crisis has passed.
Follow the following advice if you need help with paying your rent:
- Take an active role in formulating an action plan to end your crisis situation with short-term and long-term solutions.
- Try not to ignore the problem until the last minute.
- Don’t panic or make hasty decisions, as there are community resources and support in place to help you through this situation.
- Consider taking free household budgeting classes to determine how to pay your rent or if you need to find a cheaper place to live.
“If you have this sneaking suspicion that next month you might not make the rent, you need to start looking right now,” Taylor says. “It’s important to be proactive and really get out there.”
There’s no shame in asking for help
Whether you ask for help through a non-profit organisation, friends, family or crowdfunding: don’t feel embarrassed.
“Everyone falls on tough times,” Mandy says. “It happens to more of us than people realize.”
So if you’re struggling and need to raise money to pay your rent, take a deep breath. Contact your landlord, a charity or non-profit organisation, your friends and family or start a crowdfunding fundraiser. Above all, remember that you are not alone. Sometimes we all need a helping hand.