Fight Corona on the HIGHWAY TO HEALTH!
We're on the Highway to Health!
For TWO DAYS ONLY this weekend, Saturday, April 11 and Sunday, April 12 2020, we will play and do a marathon live stream from the BACK:N:BLACK Facebook page. All people can play, sing and watch or just watch. The theme of this live stream is Highway to Health, so we will naturally play Highway to Hell a bunch of times! We'll also play other songs, chat a bit, and everyone is welcome! It's all about raising awareness about the corona virus, having a good time, and celebrating the music of AC/DC!
Yes, YOU are going to be in our live stream!
How it works - You, at the planned time, go to the BACK:N:BLACK Facebook page and click the link. Then, set up your mobile phone according to the easy instructions below to live stream yourself onto your own Facebook profile. Wait for us to say go, and that's your signal to join in with us and rock the lyrics to Highway to Hell! Once we've rocked together live, you 'll save your video and send it over to us. This is really important because your voice will be included on our new Unplugged CD! And for the video? We're going to make an official BACK:N:BLACK video of the whole Highway to Health event!
Here's all the instructions and schedule, really simple:
Is it free?
Yes! Everyone who wants to sing along and make a live stream is welcome to participate, totally free! Of course, making this stuff costs money so donations are appreciated. Those who donate money (or already donated) will be guaranteed a spot in the limelight in the final video and on the CD!
What's the point of this live event?
First, just like you, we are affected by this lockdown. It's really important that we all show solidarity with one another and show that we are all united in working together to practice safe social distancing, wash our hands, and avoid spreading the virus and fake news.
Second, we also want to spread the word that AC/DC fans are united and won't let anything stand in our way of showing support for each other and everyone else affected by these tough times. The goal is to get as many people around the world singing Highway to Hell at the same time as possible!
Finally, a really big point of this project is to raise money against the damage this coronavirus is causing. A portion of the proceeds we raise will go towards benefiting victims of the coronavirus crisis. We hope that with all of us singing together, we can reach the goal, and maybe even do better! It's all for a good cause, because we are all on the Highway to Health!
When and where is the live stream?
Because this is a fundraiser, we are going to be streaming live all weekend long, starting at noon Swiss time. A new stream will start every two hours, on the hour. Each time, someone new from BACK:N:BLACK will lead the live stream, so join in! Each stream will last only a couple of minutes, so be on time, and be ready to stream, ask questions and rock with us!
The schedule is here: http://backnblackgirls.com/highwaytohealth
When we are live, you'll find it here: www.facebook.com/backnblack
Where can I get more information?
All details and simple instructions are here! http://backnblackgirls.com/highwaytohealth
How do I help?
1. First, read the instructions, and get ready to sing!
2. Share this event and encourage your friends to do the same
3. Make a donation !
During the live stream, please share your live stream and the project as much as you can, and encourage others to join in the fun!
What do I get?
Just like the CD project, contributors who chip in will receive different stuff! There are 4 different levels, depending on how big your balls (or wallet) are:
Everyone who throws in CHF20 (£17, EUR19, US$20) will get a link to download a private HD copy of the final Highway to Health video!
Contribute CHF35 (£30, EUR33, US$36), and you’ll get:
· Everything the ROCKERS get, PLUS
· A shout out live during the live stream
· Your name listed in the credits of the CD
Chip in CHF50 or more (£43, EUR47, US$51), and you’ll get:
· Everything ROLLERS get, PLUS
· Your video edited into the final HIGHWAY TO HEALTH video , PLUS
· Your voice from your live stream in the real, final mix on the CD, so you can join in the band FOREVER!
Just like the CD project, there’s also another reason for this project. As you may know, the pandemic is hitting musicians, agents, venues—everyone involved in the music industry—very hard all over the world. Especially for small bands like us, there is little safety net for this. With most concerts cancelled this year, we at BACK:N:BLACK does not have the income from concerts we desperately needed to cover losses from jerks who did not pay correctly for shows last year (i.e., Rock Pod Slovakia and Mansfield Mens Working Club). Those who follow us online may know how badly this has hit the band.
Since the CD project, we have also learned that EasyJet and many other companies are no longer flying, and fighting against giving refunds, which very seriously threatens the future of BACK:N:BLACK. It’s one thing to have one person’s flight canceled. It’s a very different thing when you have bought tickets for everyone in a band, for multiple shows—as we have. This is why the goal is set at exactly CHF2177. If you want to help us out with an “angel donation” of CHF100 (£80, EUR90, US$100) or more, we are happy to work out a special prize just for you. Please send an email to [email redacted].
Alternatively, you can also simply make an anonymous donation either by bank or PayPal:
Bank Transfer: BURRITO BOOKERS, PostFinance Account 12-259472-9 | Nordring 8, 3030 Bern, Switzerland, IBAN: CH61 0900 0000 1225 9472 9 | BIC: POFICHBEXXX | CLEARING: 09000
PayPal: www.tinyurl.com/highway2health
GoFundMe: www.gofundme.com/bnbhighway2health
Of course, if you already donated enough to the BACK:N:BLACK Plays Back in Black Unplugged CD project, you are already guaranteed to be on the CD and in the video! Just make your live stream and you’re in! Of course, please remember your contributions to the Unplugged CD project were to cover the costs of making the CD for you guys. This fundraiser is something very different. If you want to contribute again, it is much appreciated.
Fight Corona on The HIGHWAY TO HEALTH!
Contribute !: http://www.gofundme.com/bnbhighway2health
All Streams : http://www.tinyurl.com/h2h-streams
Article IBT : http://www.tinyurl.com/h2h-article
Interview : http://www.tinyurl.com/h2h-radio