Pay $200 theater rental for Play
Help pay cost of theater $200, props $100, pizza for rehearsals for homeless and veteran actors.
Veterans Theater does theater for social change performances to raise money for projects such as developing two Veterans Eco Villages, one for Student Veterans, and a second for Homeless Veterans & Homeless of Las Cruces. We proposed a ban of 'Synthetic Intoxicants' (spice, bathsalts) to our City Council. The play Dec 16 is about bullying and labels. Homeless are bullied and labeled. Bully bosses are everywhere.
21:33 Scenes for Last Plays we did
VETERANS THEATER new play LABELS & BULLYING The Veterans Theater plays began as student and faculty projects in Mgt 448 (small business consulting) & Mgt 375v (sustainable development) course projects.
Veterans Theater is working to get stories of homeless veterans and homeless on stage. This YouTube is about the upcoming play LABELS & Bullying that is showing Dec 16 Alma d'Artes theater in Las Cruces, and has scenes from the last years play at RIO GRANDE THEATER. We raise money for projects such as developing two tiny homes Veterans Villages in Las Cruces. If you want to help with DONATION http://gofundme.com/mol1wc for $200 theater rental & $100 for props or $75 for rehearsal food, most appreciated. To get more info at http://veteranstheater.com Thank you for your support
PROJECT 1: OUR PLAY on LABELS & BULLYING puton by VETERANS THEATER, 2 showings Dec 16 2016: afternoon 2:20PM, and evening at 7PM. The play will be Alma d' Arte theater, 402 W. Court Ave.
Free play, We have rental costs, props, food for the homeless rehearsals, and the veteran homeless, or just homed actors.
Veterans Theater play Labels and bullying
David Boje
2 minutes agoNo views
Veterans Theater puts on plays about homeless veteran stories and homeless stories Next play is 2pm and 7pm December 16 at ...
Above is short less than a minute about the next play
PROJECT 2: Establish two Veterans Ecological VIllages of TIny Homes in Las Cruces New Mexico
Help make the dream come true. Veterans Theater is working with Omar Jesus Oropeza, (Veteran, Navy), Builder Tropicana [modular panel construction] Homes co-developer of Veterans’ Eco-Village
We reaise money by putting on plays by veterns, veteran homeles and homeless to develop these Veterans ECO Villages. PHASE I is a STUDENTS VETERAN ECO VILLAGE at A Mountaiin.. PHASE II is a Homeless VETERANS ECO VIurn Lake. We are in planning phase, negotiating with City and University. If you want to help with DONATION http://gofundme.com/mol1wc or get more info at http://veteranstheater.com Thank you for your support
PROJECT 3: Robert Morris a MARINE VETERAN, served Vietnam, 4.5 years Gunner. His wife died, went homeless 4 months. Got into Camp Hope, got him Housing First. Paid his veterans money on rent, is penniless till payday. Happy to be warm, but needs FURNITURE or donation for it. Can pick up furnishings with my pickup if in LAS CRUCES NM
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VETERANS THEATER needs your help to put on our new play "LABELS"
December 16th 2016 2PM AND again 7PM theater in Alma D'Arte
402 W Court Ave, Las Cruces, NM 88005
Doors open 7pm
Three ACTS of play: LABELS
1. '999' Label the keeps homeless from getting hired
2. Label you get from becoming Spicehead
3.Labels that Bully Others
Please help us cover COST OF Rental of Alma d'Arte Theater, for insurance $200. We spent $157 for printing flyers.
In return for donation, your name and/or company will be listed on the Theater PlayBill (estimated cost $295):
Our theme: Spice (Fake Pot) is a public helath crisis in New Mexico:Spice whirl: The rise of a last-resort drug Sun-News article about Las Cruces
Here is more on ACT II: SPICEHEAD FALLS OUT, a Docudrama on YouTube that we made to highlight the issues of the Spice (synthetic Marjuana) crisis in American, we presented to Las Cruces City Countil on Monday March28th 2016. We did it as a public service using our own funds from theater events we did. Help defer costs and fund future work, if you can.
March 28th, 2016, David M. Boje (Management Department, NMSU) presented a film “Spice Head Falls Out” written and directed by James Sassak, actors include Professor David Boje and Professor Grace Ann Rosile (Management Department), and edited by NMSU student (Jessi Sanchez) in Mgt375V Sustainability Development to the Working Session of Las Cruces City Council and the Police Department http://las-cruces.granicus.com/MetaViewer.php?view_id=2&event_id=201&meta_id=67763 The 10 minute film is also on YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RNU_t01BeGs&feature=youtu.be and was followed by Slide presentation http://davidboje.com/Veterans_Theater/Slides%20for%20City%20Council%20Presnation%20by%20Veterans%20Theater.pptx The film highlights the impact of 128 billion dollar Spice (synthetic marijuana & bath salt) industry on Las Cruces residents (average user age is 13), and its a business practice that is ethically and morally unsustainable,. As a result of the Film, and Slides presentations by Dr. Boje and by the Police, the City Council is going to write a “Synthetic Intoxicants Ordinance” (“Synthetic intoxicant” means bath salts or spice) to be presented in May 7th working session of City Council. Boje suggested an Ordinance similar to Hobbs (see pp 404-405 http://www.namsdl.org/library/C8B389DC-19B9-E1C5-31DBE858808DEB7A/ ) where the business license can be suspended for selling Synthetic Intoxicants, business is shut down for 7 days, and owner pays for the expensive testing of each potential synthetic product being sold on the premises. Las Cruces Police reported successfully prosecuting and convicting a business owner to 18 months for selling Spice http://www.elpasotimes.com/story/news/crime/2016/03/26/el-pasoan-convicted-spice-case-las-cruces/82303612/ This is a business practice that does not belong in society. More information at http://veteranstheater.com
James Sassak who wrote and directed this documentary video and the actors of Veterans Theater (Ernest Ramey, James Sassak, & David M. Boje) have watched with ever growing concern as Synthetic Marijuana use has become rampant in Las Cruces and across our Nation. The old model by which we judge addictive substances, and the behavior of addicts who use these substances, no longer applies. Our purpose in making this documentary is to educate Our City's Leaders and the public about this new fast evolving threat. The Consequences of Synthetic Marijuana can manifest with just one use.
In closing, Spice can be so deadly that $2 can buy enough of the Drug to kill anyone that uses it. Only through education and awareness and strong leadership at the State and local level do we stand a chance to ban and eradicate Spice. We recommend stronger city ordinances to penalize the sale and distribution of Spice, including revocation of business license. For example, “Anchorage [Alaska] already had a measure to combat Spice, passed in 2014 to stop over-the-counter sales. This new one updates the legal mechanisms for charging and prosecuting it, charging a $500 ticket for misbranding synthetic drugs, and attaching a misdemeanor charge to manufacture, distribution, and possession.”[1] Las Cruces could adopt similar measures.
More information what can be done about Spice is at http://veteranstheater.com
Making Space for Veterans and Homeless own Stories in-order-to Develop there very own Social Entrepreneurship Solutions to Global Problems
E.G. The Spice Epidemic killing our teens and veterans. 2000 veterans dishonorably discharged without benefits for getting hooked on SPICE.
OUR PURPOSE: Develop tomorrow’s Social Entrepreneurs. PVT is not about developing tomorrow’s actors---it’s about discovering tomorrow’s innovators, problem solvers, and social entrepreneurs.
This is where Project Veterans’ Theater Excels!
We deliver theatrical programs to cities, universities, hospices, and schools. We are expanding to all 50 states and the District of Columbia. We started in New Mexico. This year we are taking our annual Big STORY Conference to Los Angeles December 17-19, 2015.
Founding Story: It began in Las Cruces, New Mexico at Inn of the Arts. Our first major theatrical production was at the New Mexico State University Center for the Performing Arts on April 30th 2015.
Our next sell out performance was at the Good Samaritan’s Auditorium, August 4th, 2015.
We are taking our show on the road to Albuquerque in February to the National Social Work academic conference.
No one can Empower someone Else!
Veterans and Homeless take the stage, empowering their own self, by taking on the toughest global problems in spirit of social entrepreneurship.
HOW WE OPERATE Project Veterans Theater is one of four programs in the Antenarrative Foundation, a 501 (c) (3) applicant, under the umbrella of the New Mexico Community Foundation until finalized.
What is Antenarrative Foundation?
There are Four Programs:
1. Project Veterans Theater: This program is where veterans and homeless create their own space to tell their own story in their own way of the major Global problems of our time. 22 veterans a day commit suicide in the USA. Almost half the world’s population lives on less than $2 a day. Congress does not allocate near enough budget to Department of Veterans Affairs (DVA) or Housing and Urban Development (HUD) to deal with the medical condition of veterans, or housing for homeless. This leads to a situation of inadequate resources to address the consequences of war and the global economy, as the gap between the wealthiest and the most poor grows wider each day. VETERANS THEATER WEB SITE
2. Project Legacy Ranch: This program began with student and faculty veterans of New Mexico State University. People in the good state of New Mexico are offering to donate ranch properties to New Mexico’s universities, who lack the operation capital to accept them, and the flexibility to do anything at a sustainable cost of construction or maintenance. Therefore, we created our own bid as Antenarrative Foundation 501 (c) (3) to accept donated ranch, and turn it into a place for student veterans and their families, active serving military and their families to go for a weekend, a week, or a month’s time to decompress, be in Nature, be with horses, plant a garden, walk with a loved one, stay in a cabin.
4. Big Story Conference: This is where academics work with corporations to create new directions in storytelling that address global problems, set the challenges for our social entrepreneurs. Professor David M. Boje, Ph.D. founded the conference with doctoral students studying storytelling, and corporate storytelling consultants. As the doctoral students became professors or began their own consulting companies, we reimagined our ourselves into the Big Story Conference. Our meeting is December 17 to 19th in Los Angeles, California. BIG STORY CONFERENCE WEB SITE
porations and social entrepreneurs.
We raised $3,242 in crowd funding you can help now: https://www.gofundme.com/mol1wc
We raised $1000 in theatre performances, and used the money to finance its 501 (c) (3).
We do rehearsals every week where veterans and homeless work with professional storytellers, scriptwriters, acting coaches, and directors to develop multi-media productions.
We are creating a space and time for social entrepreneurs to engage in self-empowerment.
We are an alternative to dependency on institutions to do it for them --- PVT is self-empowerment of social entrepreneurship.
TESTIMONIAL "The vignette of the play “Dead While Waiting for My VA Appointment” was a powerful recounting of the lived experiences of its performers – women and men who served honorably and with distinction in the U.S. armed forces. The play shines light on the challenges they and countless other veterans have faced while trying to obtain medical care and services from the Veterans Administration, particularly at VA facilities. Especially notable is the play’s depiction of the uneven care offered to different classes of vets (for example homeless vets vs. middle-class ones, or those with physical vs. mental health issues), as well as the potential over-reliance on prescription medication as a primary means of treatment. Given the 2014 resignation of VA secretary Gen. Eric Shinseki amidst a wave of VA hospital scandals and cover-ups – including the ordering of employees to falsify data concerning wait times and delayed care related deaths – this play brings much-needed attention to the quality of care and services we provide our combat veterans with AFTER their return home from battle. Having spent 9 years in the U.S. Army uniform and as an Iraq War combat veteran myself, I appreciate this story being told"
--Dr. Sean Roger, Human Resource Management Professor, New Mexico State University, April 30, 2015
We are more than just actors. We were learning to put on theatrical productions, to handle the technical equipment that makes for a multimedia performance. We started without microphones, without a stage. We graduated to hand held microphones. Now we want those lapel microphones, and to learn how to handle a boom microphone. We intend to learn how to run the sound room, to learn all the back stage technologies to make for world-class performances.
TESTIMONIAL: I recommend the play put on ... to anyone who has a chance to see it. There is a refreshing honesty about it and it also makes clear that the homeless are not necessarily what people think. Just like people who are not homeless, there is much variance in homeless people too.
-- Dr. David Trafimow, Professor of Psychology, New Mexico State University Aug 5 2015
Web http://veteranstheater.com
blog https://veteranstheaterblog.wordpress.com/
[1] http://www.alaskapublic.org/2015/11/11/anchorage-spice-ordinance-aims-at-dealers-and-distributors/
Thank you for your support
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