Marathon for Retinitis Pigmentosa
We are raising funds to support the continuation of important achievements by worldwide leading institutes.
[ IMPORTANT UPDATE (12 Oct 2018): We have taken the strategic decision to divert the efforts of our campaign. We are collaborating with RP Fighting Blindness UK. Therefore, thanks to all the donations, we contribute to the committed efforts to funding and stimulating high quality medical research aimed at understanding the causes of RP and developing and evaluating new treatments ]
On the 14th OCTOBER 2018 Victor will run the GENERALI MÜNCHEN MARATHON.
NoisyVision will support in the parallel awareness and fundrasing campaign.
Victor is blind as a consequence of Retinitis Pigmentosa, a rare genetic disorder that involves a breakdown and loss of cells in the retina.
At this point there is no cure or treatment and those living with this disease currently do not know if it will lead to blindness at some stage in their lives or not.
The challenge: we set the goal at 42,195 €. For every euro we raise we back a metre of the Marathon.
Victor is training hard to complete the full Marathon. Will we be able to achieve the same goal?
How much does it cost you to run one metre?
For Victor, it's only ONE euro.
And that euro can make a big difference lot for people with Retinitis Pigmentosa and other eye genetic disorders.
Let´s do it.
Read more here
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[ IMPORTANT UPDATE (12 Oct 2018): We have taken the strategic decision to divert the efforts of our campaign. We are collaborating with RP Fighting Blindness UK. Therefore, thanks to all the donations, we contribute to the committed efforts to funding and stimulating high quality medical research aimed at understanding the causes of RP and developing and evaluating new treatments ]
[ IMPORTANT UPDATE (18 Dec 2018): We donated the entire amount to RETINA UK (former RP Fighting Blindness). The crowdfunding is considered closed. Should we receive more donations we will use the funds to support future NoisyVision activities to continue the awareness campaing about Retinitis Pigmentosa]