Dublin Mosque Extension
Bismillahir rahman nir rahim
Asalamu Alaikum dear brothers and sisters,
We would like to inform the community that we are still collecting for the mosque's extension project. This extension project is for the benefit of our children and the next generation to come. Please donate generously for this great cause.
The opportunity for you to do this is NOW, to grab reward from Allah inshaAllah
You can also give the charity on behalf of your late mother or father, aunty or uncle or grandparent and as a long term charity that seizes to end, till the the of Judgement (Also known as Waqf).
"Whoever builds a mosque for the sake of Allah even it is like a hole that a sand grouse make to put its eggs in (i.e. very small), Allah will build a house for him in Paradise" [ Ahmad , Ibn Majah , Abu Ya'la and al-Tabarani ].
If you are in any position to help us with this project please do, all contribution is highly appreciated.
You could donate online via Quranic School Masjid Extension project link below
Or lodge to the bank
Bank details
AIB bank
Account name: Islamic Foundation of Ireland
Account: 19680059
Sort: 931020
For more information contact:
[email redacted]
Jazakallahu khairun,