Bowies surgery vet bill
We just got home from Maryland and we walked into our apartment and saw a bullet hole in our ceiling. Dropped our bags and grabbed my phone to call the police and saw that there was blood all over our apartment. Everywhere. The counters, tables, carpet everything. We found our baby Bowie was hit by the bullet, but he was still alive. We rushed him to the emergency vet, and found out he was shot thru his lungs and hes not doing too well. Please pray for our family. Everyone knows our fur babies are our entire world. Vet says it's a 50/50 chance right now. We are doing everything in our power to stay positive. Please pray. ❤ Update, he was shot thru his lungs and out the other side. They are bringing up his temperature so he can be sedated to under go a large surgery to repair his lungs. Please pray.