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In March 2019, Bible for the Nations, Biker Church Europe, CLC Ministries, USA and other US Biker Clubs and ministries gave away 20,000 copies of the new American version of the Biker Bible at Daytona Bike Week in Daytona Beach, Florida. 
Many of you gave to make this possible, and we still need your financial support to pay the final balance due! 


My journey has been long and hard. From the time I was thirteen years old I used and sold drugs. Later in life, I rode choppers and chose my own lifestyle. Not many things slowed me down, not a drug bust in the 70s, a stint in the military, not even a drug overdose.

In 1974, life as I knew it came to a halt, when I crashed my motorcycle into a stone wall. For the next eight months, while recovering from my injuries, I began thinking about God and the meaning of life and about my youth and the life I had led. This became a turning point in my life.

I was hooked on living a wild lifestyle, but Proverbs 14:12 says: "There’s a way that seems right to a man, but its end is the way of death." 

One day a Christian girl invited me to her church. I thought Christians were all geeks and hypocrites, but she was cute, so I decided to go to church with her, thinking she would later party with me. Before meeting her at church, I smoked a few joints and popped a couple of pills, figuring I would go there and tell those Christians how deceived they were. Although I didn’t like preachers, this one seemed to be speaking directly to me. I was sure the Christian girl had told the pastor I was coming, because I didn’t know anything about the power of the Holy Spirit. As I listened to his message, my defenses slowly broke down. I could feel something tugging inside of me and I fought it. However, when the altar call was given, I ran down the aisle, accepted the Lord, was baptized in water and filled with the Holy Spirit, all in the same night. My customers would call all hours of the night asking me if I had anything. I’d say yes – and tell them about Jesus when they showed up. 

My life changed radically. But I wasn’t grounded in the Lord. Before I knew it, my ‘old nature’ started rearing its ugly head. For a few months I’d do great, then go back to partying, then make a comeback to the Lord. My Christian experience seemed like a yo-yo for a long time, and as Proverbs 26:11 says: "As a dog returns to his own vomit, so a fool repeats his folly." 

But my God is truly a God of second chances and mighty miracles! Since then, Jesus freed me from the bondage of drug addiction and other sins, and I’ve found that living for Jesus and serving Him is the only way to have real peace and true purpose in life. Life is short, and we need to live life with eternity in mind. The Bible says that “life is a vapor” and we are only here for a short time. James 4:14 says "Use your time wisely – Serve the Lord!" 

The Biker Bible is important as a gift to Bikers because it contains the eternal Word of God. The Biker Bible also contains almost a dozen amazing testimonies of bikers whose lives have been changed by God's amazing power.


During a road trip on the Autobahn in Germany in 1999, my wife Birgit and I were passed by a 1%er hardcore motorcycle club (MC). I started to think about how I could reach these guys with the message of Jesus. As I continued to drive the car, I discussed my thoughts with my wife and with Jesus.

The main feeling I had was that it would be impossible to reach these guys. I had no idea how we could even get in touch with them. Then I heard a voice speak to my heart, the voice of Jesus, saying “Make a Bible for them!” I asked, “What should it look like, and what should we call it?” Then I sensed his answer: "Call it the Biker Bible."


Together with Christian MC clubs and churches and Christian organizations, we now want to reach all of the bikers in the USA with the Biker Bible. We also want to reach the USA’s 2.3 million prisoners with the Biker Bible. Together we can make this happen!


Our first major outreach was during Daytona Bike Week 2019 from March 8-17 where we gave away 20,000 Biker Bibles! The acceptance of these Bibles was amazing, and the stories of lives impacted are still coming in.


1. Join us in getting out Biker Bibles! You can order Biker Bibles from us at and give them away to bikers that you know. For discounts on larger quantities, please contact us at [email editado]

2. Pray for the hearts of bikers to be open to the Gospel and that God uses these Bibles to reach the right people.

3. Donate on this page to help us give free Biker Bibles away. For example, $30 allows us to give out 10 Bibles and $300 ensures that 100 Bibles are handed out and Gospel conversations happen.

4. Please share this mission opportunity on your social media page and pray for people to respond generously.

Donate today! 



  • Dano Janowski
    • $60
    • 6 años
  • Dano Janowski
    • $64
    • 6 años
  • Anónimo
    • $100
    • 6 años
  • Daniel George
    • $100
    • 6 años
  • Jay Krause
    • $50
    • 6 años

Coorganizadores (2)

James Pitman
Whitemarsh, PA
Clc Ministries International
CLC Ministries
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