PPOP 2018 Winter Fundraising Campaign
The Portland People’s Outreach Project, or PPOP, is an all-volunteer organization in Portland, OR providing clean syringes, opioid overdose reversal tools, and other harm reduction supplies directly to the people who need them the most. We currently operate mobile outreach by bicycle on Friday and by car Sundays, serving people throughout the wider city and a fixed location on Saturdays in St. Johns.
PPOP fights the spread of HIV, hepatitis C and the devastating impact of deaths from overdose by embracing a ‘need-based’ model for harm reduction supplies and overdose prevention tools. Our philosophy is
no one knows what people who use drugs need more than the people themselves. Every human is better served by compassion and we strive to enhance the lives of the drug users by meeting their needs in a respectful, non-judgmental manner.
We have two crucial needs as we move into the winter.
1) Help maintaining our commitment to the St. John's community. Our current location is being vacated of tenants for repairs and we are raising funds to purchase and maintain an RV, allowing us the flexibility to stay in that community without being reliant on a fixed location.
Our St. Johns space has been more than an access point for supplies, but is, instead, a flourishing space for connection and community. We will be sharing stories from members of that community through the course of this campaign.
2) Expansion of our supply base. We currently strive meet the needs of several hundred drug users each weekend in Portland, particularly those that inject drugs, but we would like to better reduce the harms of those who use drugs in other ways.
How you can help
- Donate to this campaign! We have large needs but have set a relatively modest goal relative to other non-profits. Donations allow us the most flexibility to meet our on-going needs.
- Join us for a movie exploring the lives of people who use drugs throughout the world at the Hollywood Theatre at 2 pm on December 16th, 2018. Participate in the raffle while you are there. Purchase tickets here.
- Spread this campaign among your friends and family!
- Follow us on Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/pg/PortlandPeoplesOutreachProject
Thank you for reviewing our campaign and helping us maintain vital services!
Portland Peoples Outreach Project is part of the People's Harm Reduction Alliance. All donations are tax deductible.