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Short Film "2037"

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2037 is a Short SciFi Horror Film written and directed by Kossisko Konan, and Merav Walklet.

"2037" is named after the year the story takes place in. The film is centered around a vision of America's future  socio-cultural climate: as technology continues to evolve, so too will the structure of this country - and the world -  as we know it.  The new Darwinian struggle will be the "survival of the richest."

2037 sets out to express the intimate, dystopic possibilities within a post-apocalypic society, where The Apocalypse = Complete Gentrification.  Our take on the SciFi and Horror genres is both fresh and unique, and we're trying to employ elements of fear that have never been previously used.  2037 really seeks to push aside conventional boundaries, and to shed light on what we predict will be the true fear factors within Future America. 

We put together this little teaser (below) to showcase the atmospheric landscape of our film; both visually and sonically.  It was made using iMovie on an iPhone 6, but for our official production we will be using industry-standard cameras, as well as top-quality sound and lighting equipment. 

We already have an enthusiastic team of experienced, creative professionals who are eager to help us bring this world to life.  We've worked very hard over the last few months to assemble a unique vision and story, and we're very excited to share what we've imagined with our friends and families. Any money we are able to fundraise will be used to finance equipment and post-production costs, which are the most expensive percentages of our budget.  

Thank you for supporting us and helping our vision come to life!

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    • 8 yrs
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kossisko konan
Berkeley, CA

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