Donation protected

Hi, this is Jessica with Custom Image Corvettes. I want to tell you a story about a guy named Brent, my husband's best friend. Back in 2010 Josh was just getting his start with CIC, building a Corvette for a customer, in his garage at home. Meanwhile 2 blocks away, Brent was addictively following a C3 Corvette build on the forums. It didn't take Brent long to figure out that this car was being built in a garage only 2 blocks from his home. After some serious stalking, Brent finally came to Josh's garage and intruduced himself. This was the start of a beautiful bro-mance! Brent threw himself into helping Josh with this car, learning everything he could, hoping to one day be able to build his own car for him and his wife, Mary. They had a dream of having their own C3 someday, which Mary insisted must have sidepipes (this is how Mary got the nickname "sidepipes" ) For several years Brent spent countless hours in the garage and shop with Josh, there were lots of hours burned and an amazing friendship formed. Mary always made sure the guys had an endless supply of delicious cookies and scotcharoo bars! Brent & Mary eventually got their dream C3 and Mary got her sidepipes, of course ;) CIC eventually moved to South Dakota and Brent has made several trips to visit and help Josh with various cars.

Now, on to the reason I'm writing this in the first place. Last month, Mary was diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer. Today, May 3rd, as I'm writing this, she's receiving her first round of chemotherapy, with Brent by her side. Mary and Brent have a long journey ahead of them and the last thing we want them to have to worry about are finances. We want Brent & Mary to be able to focus on healing and not about the endless amount of medical bills that will be coming their way. If you could find it in your hearts to help these amazing people, it would mean the world to them and their family.

Organizer and beneficiary
Jessica Powers
Iowa City, IA