Help Maddie Fight Cancer
Donation protected

fighting_for_maddie_pagel This donation site is used to help the family with any and all expenses that occur daily . Plus they will soon be without a car .. so they need one in February. They currently have a lease but it is up on February 22 and then will no longer have the van. Due to the divorce recently and now debt that accumulated they are no longer able to get another vehicle due to poor credit .so any amount donated will help get them a reliable car. So Maddie can go to school and to get to her appointments. Things are very very hard ... but taking one day at a time .
Maddie is still fighting strong and is in pretty good spirits. The future is unknown but we will continue to stay strong , pray and stay positive. We will make everyday count and cherisheveryday as it is given.
Our priority is helping Maddie beat this cancer. Unfortunately, the world keeps spinning even though our lives feel as though we have frozen .That means that normal every day things we still have to figure out. What we really need and want are PRAYERS. But if you feel led to financially contribute we are beyond grateful. May the Lord God Almighty bless you.
As of September 2016... clinical trial has ended but we will continue to fight. We will never give up !
Beautiful princess warrior Maddie
She is in great spirits, happy and full of energy
Iv pentamidine is running and once its finished we will be heading home. Talked with her oncologist and she is now off her treatment he feels it's the best decision for her the best choice for her little body. It's doing more harm than good right now . Staying positive but if things change for instance her cancer spreads or changes in anyway the only option is to try and biopsy but right now it's not an option. Let's continue to pray and stay strong - team Maddie strong .
Maddie has been on the clinical trial for 3 years and this doesn't even include the other years/treatment she has been on. Her body is tired and it tells us now is the time to stop . She is stable right now so stopping this clinical trial is the best thing to do right now. Question remains .. did the treatment just keep her cancer at bay or did it stop it forever ?! We will come into clinic once a month for iv pentamidine and flush for her port . Then every 3 months she will get labs drawn , mris and then every 6 months a spinal tap. Praying and hoping and staying positive is what team Maddie strong is doing. Taking one day at a time ... cherishing every single moment ... making everyday count . Today is a gift we won't focus on the what ifs or the future bc we are going to take one day at a time. Focus on today !!!!
Update update as of August 2016
the Drs will be taking Maddie off her clinical trial sometime next month . She will be having an MRI spinal tap echo and ekg all done next month as well. We will be just watching her in the upcoming months ahead. She will be having mris and spinal taps Every 3 months . Life is very unpredictable and Maddies future is unknown. There is no other treatment options for her at this time. So we would appreciate all your prayers love and support. Thank you so much Tracy, Maddie,Hunter and Avah. Any donations made are being used to help made are being used for any and all medical bills and things to keep this little fighter still fighting . Thank you and God bless you all .

http://youtu.be/PKD-tvE33Q4 http://www.wzzm13.com/story/life/2015/12/10/rivertown-crossings-santa/77120914/ http://youtu.be/ItP7NiyJLdI The Pagel Family has endured so much in the past 5 years from Madison being diagnosed at just 4 months old with a rare form of brain and spine cancer and being Dx with a rare genetic syndrome . This family is in need of prayers , love and support. This family needs your help! Maddie is on her last hope for a cure and they are trying to make everyday count. This family is doing the best they Can and they are struggling to make ends meet. If you can find it in your heart to help , please do!Thank you and God bless Maddies story written by her mom....Madison was diagnosed in January 2011 with a rare form of brain cancer. Maddie's diagnosis is brain cancer with hydrocephalus and also cancer in her spinal fluid with a spot on her spine. It's called choroid plexus .She was the youngest dx there at only 4 months old.She endured so much in 8 months ..!she was in ICU for 7 weeks during that time she had Tumor removal , drain put in her brain to drain the fluid from her brain,Broviac ( line ) put in her chest and immediately started chemo . Then the day before we got discharged she had Shunt placed. She had a total of 11 cycles of chemo all before she turned 1. To many MRI's, spinal taps and inpatient stays in that short 8 months.The drs put her in remission when she was 13 months old ( October 2011)She still was getting spinal taps, MRI's every 3 months . Everything was going well , she was finally free living outside the glass. But unfortunately after her 9 month scan and I was 7.5 months pregnant with Avah her dr called and told us the devastating news once again that she had not just one but two new tumors on her brain. We went in the next day to have a port put in and she immediately started chemo on her second birthday.We were not planning on anymore kids at this time due to Maddie being dx with a very rare syndrome called The Li- Fraumeni syndrome. It's a gene mutation of the TP-53 gene that stops the growth of tumors and that repairs damaged cells. This syndrome doesn't mean you will get cancer but it just a higher chance of developing tumors either benign or malignant .She has to avoid radiation of any kind like CT and X-rays.Frank her daddy also carries the same gene mutation. So it's a 50/50 chance our kids will have it. So far Avah is good she has had MRI's and ultrasound done and they are all normal. So in September 2012 she started high dose outpatient chemo every week for two months.the MRI she had done after two months showed her tumors were growing. So we immediately stopped that treatment and began another outpatient chemo that involved iv chemo along with liquid oral chemo we had to give her at home. Well that was not working well she would spit it out, so we had to bring her into clinic everyday for 5 days to get a ng tube put down her nose give the chemo and take it out and we did this 5 days a week. So we did that for a little bit that wasn't working either so we started inpatient chemo with 4 different chemos everyday for 1 week and then 4-5 days to get her counts back up to go home. We did this every week for a year. We went and got a second opinion from a dr in Boston that specialized and studied choroid plexus carcinoma. He said what our dr here is doing is what he would do as well. Do the dr in boston worked with her oncologist here.So nothing was shrinking her tumors so on September 11 2013 she had one of her tumors removed , the one they could get to her without it affecting her. That tumor was sent out to have a tumor marker test done to see what would be the best drugs to help her. So we got that back and started the new treatment right away the end of September 2013, her treatment is part of a study .She has been on this treatment since. She started cycle 21 of her treatment on March 20., 21 months of this clinical trial not knowing if she will beat this. She gets 4 different chemos orally every single night at home. 3 of them are liquid and the other one are capsules that she chews with Reese's peanut butter cups bc she can't swallow them .She goes into clinic 1- 2x a month for counts check, urine check and to meet with her drs and she gets Iv pentamidine to help her fight off certain types of pneumonia. Maddie is 5 years old right now We do not have an end date of treatment at this point. We are basically taking it month by month. She gets spinal taps , echos, EKG and MRI's of the brain and spine every 3 Months.Thank you for the love and support you have chosen to give our Maddie and our family. She started treatment at just 4 months old and continues to fight strong. We are having so many struggles Expecially financially. It is a struggle to pay all of the bills and along with just everyday needs.All donations are appreciated more then you will ever know. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your love, support and prayers! You can follow her onFacebook: Madison Pagel Instagram: fighting_for_maddie_pagelTeam Maddie Pagel
If you would rather write a check, send gift cards, cards or gifts,
please send to
Maddie Pagel
Po Box 8043
Grand Rapids, Mi 49315
thank you

Tracy Hovinga Pagel
Grand Rapids, MI