Chris & Kira to Philly for Bernie!
Donation protected
We are Chris and Kira, your Bernie Delegates from Miami headed to Philly for the DNC Convention. We are raising much-needed funds for Chris to attend the DNC Convention!
Chris is a self-supporting college student and 3-year president of his college's Progressive Democrat club. He is committed to attending the convention, because where there is a will there is a way, and genuinely appreciates any Bernie supporters who can help get him there.
Kira is working hard to self-fund the upcoming Philly trip, but having already paid $1800 from her own funds to attend our Florida Delegate Meetings in May, Florida Democrat Caucus Meetings in June, Democratic Platform Committee Meetings in July, and donating $1900 to Bernie and his endorsed candidates before she knew she would be a delegate, she is grateful for any donations from Bernie supporters after Chris has been funded.
Your generous donations paid for Chris's trip to Orlando for our state delegate meetings. We each received subsidies from Bernie's campaign that will cover our airfare and one night in the hotel (we are also both sharing rooms with others to keep costs down).
So a little about us: We are #bernieorbust.
We are lifelong civil rights and social justice activists.
During this campaign, we hosted campaign events, canvassed, phonebanked, stumped at the polls, raised money, solicited in-kind donations, bought Bernie campaign swag, attended rallies and campaign office openings (in three different states), donated $$ (first Bernie donation was back on May 7, 2015) to Bernie and the other candidates he has endorsed, volunteered at campaign headquarters, administered a social media progessive group, and done basically every thing you can think of to get this wonderful man elected! We are also both working on local Congressional campaigns in anticipation of our August 30th primary.
We created this 27 question quiz for our wonderful contributors to our Philly trip so please please please donate $1.00 for every YES! Chime in with a new "have you ever" in the comments to change up our questions!
Have you ever:
1. Donated money to Bernie Sanders late at night after a primary loss so he would wake up and see we were all behind him?
2. Been online defending Bernie more than 5 hours in a row?
3. Friended someone on FB you met in a Bernie group?
4. Wondered why Act Blue was getting your Bernie money?
5. Talked to your Uber driver or pool passenger about Bernie?
6. Wished you were friends with Mike Klinger, Nina Turner, Jeff Weaver, Rosario Dawson, Susan Sarandon, Sarah Silverman, Josh Fox, Nomiki Konst, or Cornel West?
7. Changed the lyrics of a song in your head to make it about Bernie Sanders?
8. Had to explain the difference to someone between socialism and democratic socialism?
9. Googled something TV Hillary said that sounded good but you knew was a total lie?
10. Gotten tired of hearing the word unity already?
11. Dreamed of giving Bernie and Jane big hugs?
12. Learned people you know actually support Trump?
13. Attended a Bernie rally?
14. Cheered on Bernie in a democratic debate?
15. Tipped a server $15 in honor of Bernie and the #Fightfor15?
16. Wished Bernie were your grandfather?
17. Internet researched the hell out of some topic Bernie raised (like the Import/Export Bank, Fracking, or the TPP) until you were an expert so you could debate it with anybody?
18. Contributed to a delegate's fundraising?
19. Declared you were #BernieOrBust or #NeverHillary?
20. Yelled or threw something at TV or Internet Hillary?
21. Worn a Bernie t-shirt or pin?
22. Googled the words Tulsi, Zephyr, Pramala, Canova?
23. Watched C-Span just to see Bernie at the White house Correspondents Dinner or the #DemPlatform Commitee meetings?
24. Voted for Bernie Sanders in your primary?
25. Made an anti-Hillary or anti-Debbie Wasserman Schultz meme?
26. Watched Josh Fox's Gasland about the horrors of fracking?
27. Pray Bernie will be the Democratic nominee so you can vote for him in the general?
Much love!
Chris Riker and Kira Willig
Elected Delegates to the DNC
Florida Congressional District 24
Chris is a self-supporting college student and 3-year president of his college's Progressive Democrat club. He is committed to attending the convention, because where there is a will there is a way, and genuinely appreciates any Bernie supporters who can help get him there.
Kira is working hard to self-fund the upcoming Philly trip, but having already paid $1800 from her own funds to attend our Florida Delegate Meetings in May, Florida Democrat Caucus Meetings in June, Democratic Platform Committee Meetings in July, and donating $1900 to Bernie and his endorsed candidates before she knew she would be a delegate, she is grateful for any donations from Bernie supporters after Chris has been funded.
Your generous donations paid for Chris's trip to Orlando for our state delegate meetings. We each received subsidies from Bernie's campaign that will cover our airfare and one night in the hotel (we are also both sharing rooms with others to keep costs down).
So a little about us: We are #bernieorbust.
We are lifelong civil rights and social justice activists.
During this campaign, we hosted campaign events, canvassed, phonebanked, stumped at the polls, raised money, solicited in-kind donations, bought Bernie campaign swag, attended rallies and campaign office openings (in three different states), donated $$ (first Bernie donation was back on May 7, 2015) to Bernie and the other candidates he has endorsed, volunteered at campaign headquarters, administered a social media progessive group, and done basically every thing you can think of to get this wonderful man elected! We are also both working on local Congressional campaigns in anticipation of our August 30th primary.
We created this 27 question quiz for our wonderful contributors to our Philly trip so please please please donate $1.00 for every YES! Chime in with a new "have you ever" in the comments to change up our questions!
Have you ever:
1. Donated money to Bernie Sanders late at night after a primary loss so he would wake up and see we were all behind him?
2. Been online defending Bernie more than 5 hours in a row?
3. Friended someone on FB you met in a Bernie group?
4. Wondered why Act Blue was getting your Bernie money?
5. Talked to your Uber driver or pool passenger about Bernie?
6. Wished you were friends with Mike Klinger, Nina Turner, Jeff Weaver, Rosario Dawson, Susan Sarandon, Sarah Silverman, Josh Fox, Nomiki Konst, or Cornel West?
7. Changed the lyrics of a song in your head to make it about Bernie Sanders?
8. Had to explain the difference to someone between socialism and democratic socialism?
9. Googled something TV Hillary said that sounded good but you knew was a total lie?
10. Gotten tired of hearing the word unity already?
11. Dreamed of giving Bernie and Jane big hugs?
12. Learned people you know actually support Trump?
13. Attended a Bernie rally?
14. Cheered on Bernie in a democratic debate?
15. Tipped a server $15 in honor of Bernie and the #Fightfor15?
16. Wished Bernie were your grandfather?
17. Internet researched the hell out of some topic Bernie raised (like the Import/Export Bank, Fracking, or the TPP) until you were an expert so you could debate it with anybody?
18. Contributed to a delegate's fundraising?
19. Declared you were #BernieOrBust or #NeverHillary?
20. Yelled or threw something at TV or Internet Hillary?
21. Worn a Bernie t-shirt or pin?
22. Googled the words Tulsi, Zephyr, Pramala, Canova?
23. Watched C-Span just to see Bernie at the White house Correspondents Dinner or the #DemPlatform Commitee meetings?
24. Voted for Bernie Sanders in your primary?
25. Made an anti-Hillary or anti-Debbie Wasserman Schultz meme?
26. Watched Josh Fox's Gasland about the horrors of fracking?
27. Pray Bernie will be the Democratic nominee so you can vote for him in the general?
Much love!
Chris Riker and Kira Willig
Elected Delegates to the DNC
Florida Congressional District 24
Chris Riker
Miami, FL