Trista's 2nd Battle with Leukemia
Trista is an amazing little girl who has been through a lot in her short life. In 2009, when Trista was only 2 years old, her family got the devastating news that Trista had cancer. After a long journey, with her family by her side every step of the way, she kicked cancer's butt. So she entered remission when she was just 4 years old, displaying strength beyond her years. After almost 5 years, cancer has come back for round 2. This is a late relapse of leukemia, and her cure rate now is 40-60%. This time around, Trista is going to be going through more intensive chemo, and a lot more hospital stays than she experienced the first time around. Yesterday, Trista had a bone marrow aspiration to see how much leukemia cells where in the bone marrow, which confirmed a lot. She also had a spinal tap to check spinal fluid, and then she was injected chemo into her spine. Shortly after being sent home, Trista got a fever and had to be admitted to the hospital. She will be there until at least Tuesday. To follow Trista during her journey, and to be able to continue to show Trista and her family love and support, please go to her Facebook page, Our HERO Trista. Like the page, and feel free to send any encouraging words their way.
The campaign first started in order to get Trista an IPad, but there has been a huge outpouring of donations, love, and support. Trista got her new tablet yesterday, praise the Lord.
I'm starting this campaign to give anybody the opportunity to help the family out financially. Any funds received will be used toward anything the family needs it for. It is all going to them. When loved ones experience long hospital stays, we all know there is a financial burden that comes along with all the other emotional stresses. Insurance only covers costs so far. Inevitably there will be medical costs that the family will have to pay out of pocket. Other costs that will be burdening the family is the cost of food, gas, and most especially their everyday bills. Unfortunately, when cancer comes crashing into our lives, life keeps going. Bills add up, and different things that were once a priority become secondary to the needs of the recipient (as they should).
Something that Trista is personally concerned about is her hair. What little girl wouldn't be worried about that? The doctors predict that she will be bald in about 2 weeks, and a wig that will give Trista REAL hair costs anywhere from $4,000-$6,000.
This would mean SO MUCH to Trista and her family, to show her that people care, and are sending their love and support. This will mean so much to me personally, because I love Trista and her family. They are all strong, beautiful people who deserve all the love and support they can get.
Thank you in advance for anything you are able to donate.