Hauptbild der Spendenaktion

Safe In God's Arms

Spende geschützt
On Sunday May 15 ,2016 we lost a beloved son, brother and father Boston Farley. He was 23 killed leaving a Gas station in Compton. Its ashame to how much hate we have in our communities.Our brother was a great person, a comedian always had people laughing,  "Loving", the love he had for his sisters and brothers (unbreakable) always caring to others always there to help people in need would do anything for anybody. Boston  was our dads caretaker took him to doctor appointments got his meds and did anything above and beyond for our father. Boston was an awesome father himself he loved his son Jeremiah so much. Now jeremiah has to grow up fatherless...
Our Family is asking for your help $1 , $5 anything we are asking for anykind of assistance that will go straight towards his funeral it would greatly be appreciated we didn't have any life insurance for a proper burial.
We know that God is able to do exceedingly and abundantly..
We ask that you keep our family in your everyday prayers...
Thank you and God Bless.

Organisator und Spendenbegünstigter

Linda Shardai
Compton, CA
Kayla Thomas-cole

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