Help the SCPEA Clerks Fund
We are the Santa Clara County Superior Court Professional Employees Association and we represent Court Clerks, Mediators and Janitors as well as a few other classifications. We are the lowest paid workers in a court system located in the highest cost county in America.
We need your help!
We are on strike because we have gone 8-years without a pay raise, have endured pay cuts, unpaid work furloughs and lost holidays. Our staffing has been cut by about 40%. We have been negotiating for over two and a half years and are at the end of our rope.
We have been let down by our management and have decided a work stoppage is our only way to get a fair contract.
Please contribute what you can to support us.
Some of us are homeless, some are couch surfing and others are leasing portions of our homes to make ends meet. We work in the Silicon Valley where the cost of living keeps going up and inflation has eaten away at our pay.
Our union is strong, we are united and our cause is righteous. But our union is also young. We have not been able to build a strike fund and many of our members are living pay check to pay check. Yet over 310 of our members chose to stand up for themselves and fight for dignity and we are asking our friends to stand up for us as well.
Since we are part of a legal community, we know we have a lot of friends and supporters that we have worked with over the years to make our courts run as smoothly as possible.
Please help our most vulnerable members with a contribution to this fund. Monies collected will be disbursed to members seeking financial assistance from our union. Please make a contribution of $25, 50, $100 or more. We promise to distribute any contribution to our members most in need.
We are willing to stay out as long as it takes to be recognized and respected. If you could make a donation, it would help our cause a great deal. It would mean a lot to our members to know that we can count on our friends and supporters.
Thank you to all those that have given food, water and support for our cause.
In Solidarity,