Hayfield Comic Con 2018 Fundraising
Hello and welcome to the fundraising page for the FourthAnnual Hayfield Comic Con! (Feel free to visit our Facebook page, too! https://www.facebook.com/hayfieldcomiccon/ )
Hayfield Comic Con is an annual (by school year, not calendar year) fund-raising event put on at Hayfield Secondary School in Alexandria, VA to benefit the school, help fund after-school enrichment programs, and provide our student participants with a fun program where they learn job skills and the methods and tricks of the trade in putting on a public event.
As always, your donations here will go toward helping us with our overall goal of funding Hayfield Secondary School's after-school programs as well as helping us prepare for the convention and make this the best Hayfield Comic Con to date! If we make our goal of $2000 we will be able to:
-Extend the duration of the convention
-Buy materials for our students to work with in their efforts to prepare for and decorate the convention
-Pay the custodial and security staff for their time and effort in helping us make this a fun, safe, and clean convention
-Purchase consessions to be sold at the convention
-Purchase tools and equipment to produce documentary videos of our preparations, our event, and to make better press materials.
-Provide our student partipants with uniforms and rewards for their efforts
Our convention this year will be on April 14th 2018 and we are hoping to meet our goal by April 1st to make this the best and most memorable Hayfield Comic Con for our Students, Parents, and Community possible.
If we manage to go over our goal by $500 or more, all of you wonderful people who have donated your hard earned money here on this go-fund me page will recieve a special thank-you button. If you donate $25 or more you will receive this year's Hayfield Comic Con art print, which we are having comissioned. All of you who donate more than $50 or more will get a Hayfield Comic Con T-shirt . If you donate $100 or more, you will not only get a personal message from me thanking you for your generosity and philanthropy, but you will recieve your choice of a special gift come convention day and a thank-you card signed by all of our students.
(All gifts are still being designed and are available while supplies last. Keep an eye on our Facebook page to see the designes and all other updates).
Thank you very much for your time and generous donations. Even if you cannot donate monetarily, please pass the word far and wide to help us help make school a better, more fulfilling experience for our students. We can not do this without you.