Weeks twins emergency fund
Donation protected
meet my grandson little wrennyn weeks, he and his twin brother james were born on 6/2/2016 at just under 23 wks. Weighing in at 1lb 5oz and 1lb 6oz. Both boys are holding their own but the road ahead will be a long and expensive one. their mother will be released from hospital on sun and as yet are still on waiting list for family housing. If necessary will be doing alot of driving back and forth but live 135 miles away from hospital. This is a young couple just starting out and the hardships ahead will be a true testament to their love and strength. i am seeking funds to help supplement all the expenses that are sure to follow, gas, food , lodging, lost wages and a 4 month hospital stay for these 2 precious miracles.
Organizer and beneficiary
Wendy Kelly
Iowa Falls, IA
ashley mason