Donation protected
-finding like minded individuals whose mission is to save the world from chaos.
To put people at ease with
Solutions for the cause and effect And what we can do about it.
teaching children thought manifestation, meditation and the power of prayer.
-train people about Vogel Crystal healing technology (pulling entities out of people/ blasting Chemtrails/ bringing rain)
-train people how to contact higher dimensional ETs /beings
-pyramid technologies
-crystal healing
-sound healing (cymatics)
-etymologies (Babylonian language archetypes)
-water experiments how vibrations and thoughts change the molecular structure of the water in our bodies and the planet
Create a brighter future by healing ourselves and each other through ancient/new knowledge with fundamental techniques gathered up through not just one belief system but a mixture of all, that can be scientifically proven methods creating maximum sustainability for all life forms on earth.
We desperately need a home on wheels as our car rental is very pricey. I humbly ask for your help in supporting our mission to travel, do these sacred ceremonies, inform and teach others about how they can make a difference as well. We are on a mission to heal this planet and we can't do this on our own! So let's restore Mother Earth together and if not for us then for our children.
I am a 3rd dimensional human that's bridging this world into higher dimensions during this time of great change on this planet.
My partener Joe Eigo and I have been doing shaman healing using ancient Atlantean phi crystal technology to heal people and heal the planet on grid lines and powerful vortexes bringing rain to the west coast and actually bringing it!! We have been getting very impressive results. Please follow us for more information and our backgrounds.
A shaman is a very high vibrational person. One that heals by using their ability to communicate and work with higher dimensions such as source energy (oneness) , higher dimensional ETs, angels, archangels (especially archangel Michael), dragons, elemental beings, nature spirits ect. In order to gain knowledge and insight to heal and restore the planet and all beings.
Note that we are not doing this out of personal gain but are aware that by healing the world around us will have an immediate impact on our personal evolution . Our goal here is to heal the world (especially lower vibrational individuals who have flaws in their auric field due to recent, hereditary and past life trauma, damaging the mitochondria causing dysfunctional DNA)
Both of us have a calling and it is up to you to respond to it or not. We would greatly appreciate it If you have any questions about anything to inbox us before responding with negativity. The heart is the key, so I'm sure during this time there have been many others who are able to open their hearts and minds eye to be able to know the energetic signature coming from a person or situation. I ask that those that have the ability to do so to consider us, or to share with those that you think would be able to read this situation or think that might be interested in supporting us. There is much to do on this planet.. We are also putting together a blueprint to gather like-minded individuals with educational backgrounds to be able to implement a new course of education to the world. These Vogel crystals are used to amplify manifestations… Therefore, embarking on this new journey together will help to assure manifestation of high vibrational visions and amplify our connections. There is too much talk without action these days..I can tell you that I have done these sacred ceremonies in Alberta at Lake Louise for a month.. I have been given the opportunity to be able to use these massive crystals and can see for myself how useful these tools can be for such a sacred mission.
We have BIG dreams and we hope you do to ❤️
We heal people when we can but it takes a lot of energetic work.. Vogel crystals amplify this like reiki on steroids. We use these wands to amplify all that we do to usher in more love and healing into this world and to teach others and especially children about this ancient technology that was used during the times of Atlantis. We have also been doing exorcisms by using these wands to extract negative energetic attachments that most people don't even realize they have. We can detect an energetic imbalance in the auric field of a person as well and can pull archons/ entities/ demons out of then using these crystals.
We are in contact with many like-minded individuals and would like the opportunity to be able to amplify our healing abilities.
We are not asking for money each time we are doing energetic work… Infact I do most of my work for free.. Are usually provide much more time for my healing sessions than I get paid for and I'm still very fulfilled because I see results.
unfortunately, money is considered the most valuable thing to have By a large percentage of the population therefore affecting the global consciousness in such a way that affects the consciousness/reality of the masses (3rd dimensional reality) so, money must not be resisted as it is something that exists here and must not be treated as something evil ( it is the work of evil but to defeat evil you must understand it..you must harness it and set it free) it can be used as a tool if done very carefully and without wanting it for selfish reasons. Eventually if this was implemented into each individual's life it would find a way to dissolve and not be needed here any longer.
Jesus had a consciousness and it was called "Christ" we are aware of that consciousness and can tap into it as well as many others on this planet not just us. 144,000 is the vibrational number of these chosen people.
**** We cannot save you while you do nothing to save yourselves we are here to remind you that it is up to you to find your inner saviour just as we have done. We are no different than you we are family to you, we all live on this planet together. We all want what's right for each other and for the common good of all. Find a saviour within yourselves and divine conciousness will soon save the planet and we will not stop until you remember who you are. We are all connected remember ? Since the separation from whatever it is we came from, third dimensional consciousness is a limited view of our origins. With that being said, if you are primarily logical minded then you will in this reality only experience the connections we can physically see and proof with material. Suppose you were a child in the room and you were separated from the thing that you knew kept you safe and kept you warm and fed. Now imagine leaving that place then coming into a world without understanding how to use this new meat vessel. This is a very Trumatic experience for humans, and from what I know people do not remember the time of transition and leaving the mother because the new human has not been able to integrate such trauma and as a survival tactic for protection against more trauma the memory automatically forgets.
All of us have or will experience separation from our parents at one point. we have been confused and forgot who we were. it all starts from within. Finding my divine counterpart within has been the greatest thing that I have come to experience in this lifetime. True love is not outside of oneself it can only be experienced without if it is first found within.

-finding like minded individuals whose mission is to save the world from chaos.
To put people at ease with
Solutions for the cause and effect And what we can do about it.
teaching children thought manifestation, meditation and the power of prayer.
-train people about Vogel Crystal healing technology (pulling entities out of people/ blasting Chemtrails/ bringing rain)
-train people how to contact higher dimensional ETs /beings
-pyramid technologies
-crystal healing
-sound healing (cymatics)
-etymologies (Babylonian language archetypes)
-water experiments how vibrations and thoughts change the molecular structure of the water in our bodies and the planet
Create a brighter future by healing ourselves and each other through ancient/new knowledge with fundamental techniques gathered up through not just one belief system but a mixture of all, that can be scientifically proven methods creating maximum sustainability for all life forms on earth.
We desperately need a home on wheels as our car rental is very pricey. I humbly ask for your help in supporting our mission to travel, do these sacred ceremonies, inform and teach others about how they can make a difference as well. We are on a mission to heal this planet and we can't do this on our own! So let's restore Mother Earth together and if not for us then for our children.
I am a 3rd dimensional human that's bridging this world into higher dimensions during this time of great change on this planet.
My partener Joe Eigo and I have been doing shaman healing using ancient Atlantean phi crystal technology to heal people and heal the planet on grid lines and powerful vortexes bringing rain to the west coast and actually bringing it!! We have been getting very impressive results. Please follow us for more information and our backgrounds.
A shaman is a very high vibrational person. One that heals by using their ability to communicate and work with higher dimensions such as source energy (oneness) , higher dimensional ETs, angels, archangels (especially archangel Michael), dragons, elemental beings, nature spirits ect. In order to gain knowledge and insight to heal and restore the planet and all beings.
Note that we are not doing this out of personal gain but are aware that by healing the world around us will have an immediate impact on our personal evolution . Our goal here is to heal the world (especially lower vibrational individuals who have flaws in their auric field due to recent, hereditary and past life trauma, damaging the mitochondria causing dysfunctional DNA)
Both of us have a calling and it is up to you to respond to it or not. We would greatly appreciate it If you have any questions about anything to inbox us before responding with negativity. The heart is the key, so I'm sure during this time there have been many others who are able to open their hearts and minds eye to be able to know the energetic signature coming from a person or situation. I ask that those that have the ability to do so to consider us, or to share with those that you think would be able to read this situation or think that might be interested in supporting us. There is much to do on this planet.. We are also putting together a blueprint to gather like-minded individuals with educational backgrounds to be able to implement a new course of education to the world. These Vogel crystals are used to amplify manifestations… Therefore, embarking on this new journey together will help to assure manifestation of high vibrational visions and amplify our connections. There is too much talk without action these days..I can tell you that I have done these sacred ceremonies in Alberta at Lake Louise for a month.. I have been given the opportunity to be able to use these massive crystals and can see for myself how useful these tools can be for such a sacred mission.
We have BIG dreams and we hope you do to ❤️
We heal people when we can but it takes a lot of energetic work.. Vogel crystals amplify this like reiki on steroids. We use these wands to amplify all that we do to usher in more love and healing into this world and to teach others and especially children about this ancient technology that was used during the times of Atlantis. We have also been doing exorcisms by using these wands to extract negative energetic attachments that most people don't even realize they have. We can detect an energetic imbalance in the auric field of a person as well and can pull archons/ entities/ demons out of then using these crystals.
We are in contact with many like-minded individuals and would like the opportunity to be able to amplify our healing abilities.
We are not asking for money each time we are doing energetic work… Infact I do most of my work for free.. Are usually provide much more time for my healing sessions than I get paid for and I'm still very fulfilled because I see results.
unfortunately, money is considered the most valuable thing to have By a large percentage of the population therefore affecting the global consciousness in such a way that affects the consciousness/reality of the masses (3rd dimensional reality) so, money must not be resisted as it is something that exists here and must not be treated as something evil ( it is the work of evil but to defeat evil you must understand it..you must harness it and set it free) it can be used as a tool if done very carefully and without wanting it for selfish reasons. Eventually if this was implemented into each individual's life it would find a way to dissolve and not be needed here any longer.
Jesus had a consciousness and it was called "Christ" we are aware of that consciousness and can tap into it as well as many others on this planet not just us. 144,000 is the vibrational number of these chosen people.
**** We cannot save you while you do nothing to save yourselves we are here to remind you that it is up to you to find your inner saviour just as we have done. We are no different than you we are family to you, we all live on this planet together. We all want what's right for each other and for the common good of all. Find a saviour within yourselves and divine conciousness will soon save the planet and we will not stop until you remember who you are. We are all connected remember ? Since the separation from whatever it is we came from, third dimensional consciousness is a limited view of our origins. With that being said, if you are primarily logical minded then you will in this reality only experience the connections we can physically see and proof with material. Suppose you were a child in the room and you were separated from the thing that you knew kept you safe and kept you warm and fed. Now imagine leaving that place then coming into a world without understanding how to use this new meat vessel. This is a very Trumatic experience for humans, and from what I know people do not remember the time of transition and leaving the mother because the new human has not been able to integrate such trauma and as a survival tactic for protection against more trauma the memory automatically forgets.
All of us have or will experience separation from our parents at one point. we have been confused and forgot who we were. it all starts from within. Finding my divine counterpart within has been the greatest thing that I have come to experience in this lifetime. True love is not outside of oneself it can only be experienced without if it is first found within.
Ally Seraphim
Calgary, AB