Get my girls help
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Their father refuses to put them in this treatment or to participate in the parenting plan voluntarily and I am left without any visitation rights to my girls until I can get in front of our the Judge which will cost me $3000 in lawyers fees and $1500 for half of the therapist retainer I simply can't afford these costs
My girls are victims of Parental Alienation, a form of child abuse where a child is forced by one parent to unjustifiably denigrate the other parent. All children have the right to love both their parents and should never be put in a place where they have to pick which parent they love.

I have been a student since 2009 working towards applying to med school. After seperating from my husband we shared custody of our girls for almost 4 years. I have been barely getting by financially receiving no support from my ex-husband who's making $300,000 a year. I finally went to the court asking for child and spousal support which he refused to pay, Instead he:
- decided to fight for custody of our two girls
- launched a slanderous campaign against me in court
- set out to destroy my relationsip with my girls.
He was putting the children in the middle of a high conflict situation working very hard to alienate the children from me. Parental alienation of children is when one parent creates an expectation that children choose sides and even reject the other parent. It involves:
-bad-mouthing the other parent
- limiting contact
- creating the impression that the other parent is dangerous or unworthy

From the alienating tactics my girls were exposed to they learned the connection between visitation pleasure of the time spent with me, and how it elicited anger and rejection with their Dad. My girls learned to shunt or eliminate any display any positive feeling towards me in front of him to escape negaitive consequences and how aligning with his negative behavior made their Dad happy and more attentive.
My relationship with the girls deteriorized so much that the girls told a court appointed counselor(who saw the children on two occasions and never spoke to me) that they never wanted to see me again and only wanted to live with their dad.

After reviewing the therapists report noting the girls did not want to spend time with me and that their emotional state was very fragile at the mere mention of the topic, the Judge ordered a suspension of visitation until the girls received counselling to sort out what was going on with the girls and a parenting plan was put into place. Neither of these court ordered actions have been completed by the girls father and I have no recourse other than to go in front of a judge which I am unable to do because of my financial situation.
The girls Dad has blocked every attempt we have made to get the girls into family reunification therapy. Why would a father not want his children to have their mother in their lives especially when the reunification will be conducted through trained professionals specializing in making family reunifications a positive experience for the entire family.
I am a student for the next 2 years and I simply can not bare the thought of not seeing them for two more years simply because I can't afford to put the application in front of the judge . Any donations would be so greatly appreciated. I miss my girls more than I can ever put into words. Thank you.

Monica Renner
Edmonton, AB